4 Big Healthcare Predictions Readers Got Right In 2019 (And The 1 They Got Wrong)
Robert Pearl, M.D.
Author of "ChatGPT, MD" | Forbes Healthcare Contributor | Stanford Faculty | Podcast Host | Former CEO of Permanente Medical Group (Kaiser Permanente)
Despite high hopes for healthcare reforms in 2019, American voters observed far more congressional disappointments than victories last year. For most insiders, this outcome was predictable.
This article first appeared on Forbes.com
Back in February, I asked readers of the Monthly Musings on American Healthcare newsletter (many of them doctors, healthcare administrators and policy-savvy professionals) to predict whether Congress would act on any of the industry’s hot-button issues in 2019. Readers got 4 out of 5 correct. As it turns out, predicting healthcare legislation is a lot easier than passing it.
Here’s a quick look back on the biggest healthcare policy questions of 2019, along with an assessment of the reforms that didn’t happen.
Q1: Will the U.S. Congress approve legislation to control drug prices in 2019?
Congress did not pass a bicameral bill to limit drug prices in 2019, as 69% of survey participants correctly predicted.
In fact, lawmakers ended the year by slipping a Pharma-friendly provision into a 1,173-page spending bill at the 11th hour. This most-recent win for the pharmaceutical industry expands the definition of “biologic” drugs, a class of medications that comes with a 12-year patent (a whopping seven years longer than patents issued for “small-molecule” medicines).
It was a disappointing end to a year in which patients hoped legislators would solve the problem of soaring prescription drug costs. During the last national election (the 2018 midterm elections), Musings readers named “Rx prices” their No. 1 healthcare issue.
A year later, 8 in 10 Americans agree the cost of prescription drugs is unreasonable, according to a Kaiser Family Foundation poll.
Q2: Will the U.S. Congress approve legislation that guarantees ongoing coverage for patients with pre-existing conditions in 2019?
Just before the 2019 predictions survey went live in February, Rep. Greg Walden (R-Oregon) introduced the “Pre-existing Conditions Protection Act of 2019” (H.R.692).
If passed, the bill would “guarantee availability of health insurance coverage in the individual and group market, contingent on the enactment of legislation repealing the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.” In other words, if the ACA went away, his bill would preserve the most popular Obamacare provision: coverage protections for the 1 in 2 Americans with pre-existing medical conditions who, in the past, were discriminated against by insurance companies when applying for private coverage.
Because the ACA wasn’t repealed by Congress in 2019, Rep. Walden’s plan never made it to a vote, which means the 58% of Musings readers who voted “no” on this question were correct.
Looking ahead, two threats to pre-existing conditions protections remain.
The biggest threat emerged a little over a year ago when a U.S. District Court judge in Texas ruled the Affordable Care Act’s individual mandate unconstitutional. The judge struck down not only this law, which requires people to have health insurance, but also ruled that “the remaining provisions of the ACA are inseverable and therefore invalid.”
The ruling, which is under appeal, set off alarms among Democrats, giving the party an opportunity to play the role of healthcare defenders in the 2020 elections.
Republicans, for their part, advocate for broader patient choice with fewer coverage requirements. Therein lies the second threat: “skinny” insurance options. Republicans note that beneficiaries would have the freedom to choose cheaper plans (such as association health plans or short term insurance). However, Democrats point out these plans give insurers the right to “deny people with pre-existing conditions.”
Q3: Will the U.S. Congress approve legislation to expand Medicare in 2019?
According to the latest polling, a slight majority of Americans favor a government-run universal health plan.
But with a Republican majority residing in the Senate, more than 90% of survey participants correctly predicted that Congress would not expand the reach of Medicare in 2019. As Democratic front-runners debate the merits of Obamacare vs. Medicare for all vs. Medicare for all who want it, none of the candidates seem willing to acknowledge the political reality in front of them.
Without 60 votes in the Senate needed to create a “supermajority” (an unlikely outcome in 2020, according to most election maps), Medicare expansion remains a mathematical impossibility.
Q4: Will Congress significantly alter funding for Medicaid or the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA)?
This question resulted in the closest thing to a “split decision” in the survey with 44% of participants predicting that Congress would alter funding for Medicaid or the VA in 2019 (vs. 56% who said Congress wouldn’t alter funding).
Given the highly complex inner-workings of both government programs—and my undefined use of the word “significantly” in the survey question—this proved a difficult prediction to score.
Entering the year, 19 states hadn’t yet taken advantage of an ACA provision that offered federal funding to further expand Medicaid coverage to low-income adults. In 2019, that number dropped to 17 when Maine and Virginia implemented their Medicaid expansion plans. Idaho, Nebraska and Utah have adopted but not yet implemented such programs. Several more states are exploring the possibility of applying for block grants that would allow for more freedom in the allocation and management of federal funds.
It’s hard to say Medicare funding shifted significantly in 2019, so the “nays” have it. In contrast to the Medicaid stalemate, the VA experienced major shifts last year (though none involved Congressional funding decisions).
In 2018, a year of ongoing crisis inside the VA program, Americans called for major reforms. President Trump responded by firing VA secretary David Shulkin after just nine months on the job. Congress responded with the MISSION Act, promoted as an emergency measure to reduce VA wait times and give veterans closer and more immediate access to urgent care.
Critics warned the bill was a poorly disguised attempt to privatize the VA. Rather than hiring more doctors or investing in brick-and-mortar locations, the MISSION Act merely facilitates easier access to community doctors. Those who oppose the legislation point out that it does little to speed up wait times inside VA facilities or to ensure each veteran’s medical data is accessible to all treating physicians.
This effort to steer more veterans toward private healthcare options got a “$8.9 billion boost as part of the massive government spending bill,” which was recently approved by the House and Senate. However, compared to the annual VA budget of more than $200 billion, the additional funds are hardly “significant.” Again, the “nays” have it.
Q5: Will the U.S. House of Representatives vote to impeach the president in 2019?
Although impeachment isn’t solely a matter of healthcare policy, it is the first step toward removing a president from office, which could have massive healthcare implications.
Until this month, it looked as though Musings readers would complete a sweep of all five “crystal ball” survey questions, including this one. But two-thirds (66%) of participants incorrectly predicted there’d be no impeachment vote in 2019.
Looking back, it’s easy to see why most participants voted “no.” Even when Democrats won a majority in the House after the 2018 elections, impeachment talks remained confined to Trump’s harshest critics (remember when Rep. Rashida Tlaib drew criticism from within her own party when she proclaimed in January that House Democrats would “impeach the motherf**ker”?). Consensus among Democrat leadership was that an impeachment vote could backfire politically in the 2020 battleground states.
The decision not to impeach got help in April, when Robert Mueller’s much-anticipated report found no evidence that the Trump campaign actively conspired with Russian efforts to interfere in the 2016 presidential election (though the report did not “exonerate” the president, either).
The impeachment calculus didn’t change until late September, when The Wall Street Journal ran this headline: “Trump Repeatedly Pressed Ukraine President to Investigate Biden’s Son.”
Subsequently, with demands from members of her party growing louder, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi had little choice but to move forward with an impeachment inquiry. On Dec. 18, a near 100% party-line vote for impeachment became the biggest story of 2019.
With all eyes on the president’s alleged misdeeds in 2019, the chasm dividing Americans grew wider and the policies affecting healthcare were pushed to the back burner once again. As such, 2019 was another disappointing year for healthcare on Capitol Hill.
Over the past 12 months, our nation heard a lot of healthcare promises and experienced an equal number of letdowns. Despite voters’ hopes for drug-pricing reform, protections from “surprise” medical bills and coverage expansions, Congress made little to no progress.
In fact, the most significant healthcare policy changes of 2019 ended up being the repeal of the three revenue-generating taxes on health insurance and medical devices, marking yet another set of victories for American healthcare’s richest legacy players and special interest groups.
In January, I’ll look at the likelihood of Congress passing meaningful legislation in 2020. For now, as the stroke of midnight approaches, I congratulate the readers whose prescient predictions proved accurate. And to all, I wish a happy and healthy New Year.