4 Best Cyber Security Websites : Australians should Subscribe to
Cyber Security for Everyone

4 Best Cyber Security Websites : Australians should Subscribe to

Every single day the security of our information at work and at home is under threat. Sadly, there are a lot of bad people out there who are working very hard to get their hands on our information. …. and they will try all sorts of ways to get what they need.

Last month (Jun-2017), Australians lost almost $8m as reported in 15,286 incidents.

Scammers want us to believe them and then hand over our personal and confidential information... and that is why we need to stay safe when we are online at home and at work.

Here is some information about some websites which may help you to know more about it.

1. Stay Smart Online [www.staysmartonline.gov.au]

Stay Smart Online is the Australian Government's online safety and security website. It's designed to help everyone understand the risks and simple steps we can take to protect our personal and financial information online. You can get notified updates from its Alter service.

2. e-Safety [www.esafety.gov.au]

The Office of the Children's eSafety Commissioner is Australia's leader in online safety. Particularly for the safety of children and women online.

Our kids are particularly vulnerable online. Educating them on the risks and ways of staying safe is something the entire family can get involved in.

3. ScamWatch [www.scamwatch.gov.au]

ScamWatch is run by the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC). It provides information to consumers and small businesses about how to recognize, avoid and report scams.

I encourage you to keep an eye on ScamWatch. When you subscribe to ScamWatch you will be sent alerts letting you know the latest scams.

4. ID Care [www.idcare.org]

IDCARE is Australia and New Zealand's national identity support service providing professional, free and anonymous support to members of the community who believe their personal information has been put at risk in any way (online, digital or physical).

If you know any more websites then let me know so I can subscribe it as well.


