#4 Become the best version of you :-)
Monika Susanne N?gele
mona bestAger °Hier und Jetzt ? Inspirierende Begleitung und Veranstaltungen für neue erfüllende Wege ? Hier und Jetzt gestalten wir unsere Zukunft ?
Dear All,
?Here is the next “mood booster” for you:
?No one else can limit you.
If you want to limit yourself, you can.
Otherwise the entire resources of the Universe are yours to use. (Y.B. Quotes)
This would mean that no one else is responsible to do things for you and you will be in charge of making your decisions.
Do not let anyone manipulate your choices.
You have to push yourself… it’s your life and it’s your success journey potentially as proposed below:
S ee your goals
U nderstand the obstacles
C reate a positive mental picture
C lear your mind of self-doubt
E mbrace the challenge
S tay on track
S how the world you can do it! (source unknown)
? ?
Have a great and enjoyable summer break together with your beloved ones :-)