Beat Schindler
With a one-of-a-kind approach for growth both business and personal, I help people looking for unique horizons. My simple method will transform you only in ways you wish to transform.
Before we get started with this week’s word explosion, in case you missed it, I decided to create something engaging and informative for my readers.
Therefore, beginning with today, the following three topics…
…will be a regular feature also in upcoming editions.
YOU & WORDS: Because you alone will ever have a relationship with words.
ELECTRIC QUOTES: Because I think they may electrify you, too. Should they not, feel free to bin or ignore.
The 3 topics together I see as an avenue to cause a ruckus, make change happen, replace old models with new, spark interest, keep my subscribers informed, and encourage ongoing exploration and discussion.
I’m excited to connect and share with you fresh insights through my word explosions. Without further ado, let’s begin with #4.
Are you ready?
1. You ARE
In Newsletter #1, we’ve seen beyond the shadow of a doubt that you is a word.
Next in line, what does you describe?
You describes 3 different aspects of you — what you are, what you do, and what you have.
Let’s start…
…with what you ARE.
In word explosion #3, we've seen that you ARE like your ancestor...
Like your ancestor before you, you ARE also on a journey.
Specifically, you are on the journey from where you began to where you’ll end, that is between birth and death.
It’s not just you of course…
…we’re all in this same journey together.
What a word (singular) is & what words (plural) are is the same thing. It doesn’t make a difference.
Word or words couldn’t be anything else if it tried. To believe words could try presupposes they have the organs required. But words don’t have any (organs). The one with the organs to try anything is you, me, and about 9 billion like you and me -- the world’s word-users.
That said, before I forget it, words are a prison. On the upside, nothing to worry about. Even a prison can be a home when you have the key.
“You can safely assume you've created God in your own image when it turns out that God hates all the same people you do.” - Anne Lamott