4 Bad Bosses and How to Handle Them...
Andrew Dash-Stocks
I specialise in C-Suite Technology Leadership Appointments | CTO | CIO | CDO | CISO | CPO | Infrastructure & Building out high performing technology leadership teams - Supporting NED/Advisory
Talkback: Have you ever been managed by a Bad Boss? How did you handle it? Maybe you can offer more advice? Leave a comment below.
Thinking long and hard yesterday evening... I've just spent an awesome (yes Awesome) 48 hours meeting various candidates within the Midlands (Middle of the England for those outside of the UK) with an alarming trend...
Me, "You have some fantastic ideas... why don't you put these into practise in your present position?" I ask Valerie (Not a real candidate... I made this up... that would be unprofessional)
Valerie... "I feel my manager doesn't provide the freedom to express myself"
You see Valerie... wasn't the only person this week to feel let down or poorly managed by a Bad Boss... which got me thinking... What types of Bad Bosses are there and what can we do?
Lets start with the obvious;
1. The Micro-manager
Control... this person is driven on Control, to the point where they insist on being cc'd on every email correspondence, reviews every client proposal even clock watches when you take a trip to the 'loo'...
The issue here is, most Bosses don't realise they're doing it, this boss has, over time been promoted and has had little direction as to effectively team manage. Letting 'go' and providing the freedom to their staff where lies the issue... the Micro-manager's only way of coping is to get way too involved in your day-to-day work.
The Solution
- Ask your Boss what they expect from you - It's tough to communicate with someone who's oblivious about their faults, which describes most Micro-Managers. Get to an understanding, you can effectively manage expectations early.
- Ask... "Boss, what's the big picture?" - Maybe you're unaware that in that moment your Boss might be under a tight deadline? maybe another reason. Ask your Boss to share as much information as possible which might be the underlining factor in their Micro-Management.
- Proactive - Right now you're being Micromanaged, let's anticipate what your boss will do. I learned to provide update reports before he asked for them, by doing so on a regular basis my Boss... took a step back.
- Empathy - You're going to clash... if it continues it's time to meet head on. Empathise... share the blame if necessary, connecting to your Boss on an empathetic level often resolves this issue.
- Finally... you've tried everything; Time to move on? You've tried all of the above, nothing is working but your Boss still has this bad habit. Maybe there is only one solution.
2. Bully Boss
That's right... Bullying is more common then most realise. I was bullied once... roughly 25 years ago, I think it was my trainers... they weren't the latest 'Kickers' in school. I got over it.
The issue here is we're in the working environment, these Bosses have refined their Bullying Tactics using words and various techniques.
This person is intelligent, they know which 'butt to kiss' to go up the chain of command. They are social experts.
Bullies have the desire to be powerful... they'll run down anyone who get's in their way to reach to top.
For the employee they are living a psychological nightmare... Abusive supervision, workplace aggression and at times... violence.
The Solution
- Document Everything... every email, conversation... no matter how small Document it. If the worst happens you need proof, this information will be handy when you go to HR or be a victim of wrongful dismissal.
- Non-Confrontational Conversation... Your boss's behaviour has affected your self-esteem, it's reduced your ability to perform and express yourself. Arrange a private meeting in a neutral setting, go for Lunch, Coffee etc... Be honest and tell them your feelings. (Document this conversation also). This is very hard... you need balls of steel but you have every chance this will succeed. Be factual, show the right emotion when needed and make sure they are aware how this affects you.
- Contact HR... The Boss hasn't listened and isn't willing to change their ways. Organise your Documented Notes and request a private meeting with HR. Outline your facts, tell them how this makes you feel and the timeline of events from Start to Present Day. Discuss next steps, the process and send an email outlining the conversation. (Document this as well)
- Contact an Employment Solicitor... The final straw... this is literally the last resort. In the rare instance HR fails you (You boss's behaviour continues or HR fails to address the issue) you need legal advice.
- Being bullied is not normal (Sexual harassment, Race, Wrong Trainers!) neutralise a poor attitude by changing yours, stand up for yourself, hold your head up high... (backup is always on hand).
3. BFF Boss
Yes... my 2nd LinkedIn Publication and i've used BFF. This Boss has no concept of boundaries, At the start its great!... Drinks with the Boss, Lunch with the Boss, Weekends with the Boss, until...
Their bad days becomes your bad days. This new found BFF relationship will quickly spiral downwards. This will... impact your career, emotions and happiness.
Here lies the issue... no matter how negative a day your Boss is having, it's now your issue. Instead of learning from mistakes, problems and issues you will become their (shoulder to cry on) Therapist. This drama... will distract you from your work and will show in your performance
The Solution
Simple... There is nothing wrong with developing a close relationship with your boss or being best friends. Sometimes a little caution in the workplace needs to take place;
- Your relationship will change... Colleagues think you're 'Butt Kissing'. Every person in your team has to feel they have an equal chance at opportunities. Distance yourself in the office to a professional stance you want to stay friendly with an certain level of professionalism
- Don't Ask for Favours. Don't compromise your friends position, yes... all people ask for favours of the boss at some point. But wait a long time before you ask.
- Just because you are friends, doesn't mean you do a good job... Being your manager and providing constructive feedback is tough. Suck it up... is not personal... just business.
- Don't share your Boss's person life with others in the team... its wrong. don't do it.
- It's ok to act as a council... but only at a professional level.
- I've said it before, i'll say it again... Remain Professional
4. The Workaholic
I was this person once, a trait handed down from above... "Plenty of time to sleep when you're dead".
My first Manager's motto. I looked up to him (in some ways I still do i'm 5'8 he's 6'), I thought "This guy's a success... what he's saying must be right." WRONG!
This Boss has never heard of the term Work-Life-Balance... I found a stat this morning 39% (BambooHR) work more than 40 hours a week and that we're working an average 11 hours a week more than we did in the 1970's.
The Workaholic will still he emailing their employees at 23:30 at night... and that's a Sunday! They expect an immediate response...
Look... these employees who are pushed way beyond their expected working hours will 'burn-out'. (I'm not saying we should only work our scheduled hours' from time to time we need to put in the extra effort) But what can the signs of an over worked employee look like?
Depression, stress, poor social skills, not spending enough time with one's family... the list continues
The Solution
- Make change and get your life back!... Talk to you boss and say "I really want to do my best work here, and make sure you get exactly what you need, but to do that, I need to preserve some balance in my life". "Then say you’d really appreciate their thoughts on how to do that."
- Bring the equation to you Boss... most Boss's in this situation will do there utmost to ensure you're happy and further develops your relationship.
- Consult your co-workers... Do they feel the same, is it just you? 9/10 it effects all of your co-workers. It'll be reassuring its not just you. Plan to meet your boss together and professionally provide your thoughts together. In this instance you need to offer a proactive solution
- Honour your boundaries... Stick to your guns, old habits are tough to break... but they will break. Persevere with your boss, set time frame expectations on project work, but proactive but use the above as long as is needed to aid a better work-life-balance
There are many other types of managers... you get one life, want to grow old thinking 'What if?' Don't, manage your issues now and enjoy your career/life...
Talkback: Have you ever reported to a Bad Boss? How did you handle it? Maybe you can offer more advice? Leave a comment below.
Career Coach (CVP) & Recruiter (FRec), expert at headhunting, writing CVs & resumes, coaching for job applications / interviews, & optimising LinkedIn profiles in >130 countries ~99% success.
8 年I think we have met some of the same candidates!