4 am thoughts!

4 am thoughts!

I have seen many people failing in their jobs or not being happy or facing burnouts. I am one of them - obviously!

Have you thought about the psychology behind that?

It may be different from person to person.


I have mentored 20+ friends so far - no matter what I have been going through in my personal or professional life.

And, I have realised:

We miss the Grow - Live - Love - Trust psychology that impacts our day to day productivity and decision making process.

You heard it correctly - what's this psychology?

Let's do reverse funnel math to understand it better.

  1. Trust: First foremost, you have to trust yourself and the process. Be confident about yourself and don't underestimate your capabilities. Trust the people around you and the path that you have taken for your life. Take the driver seat, set the google map, and rev the engine to your full throttle.
  2. Love: Once you start trusting, eventually you will love yourself and what you do. Loving the process and yourself will motivate you to do things better in all aspects. You will get better and better emotionally, physically, mentally, and financially.
  3. Live: Once you are in love, all stars will be yours. You will never get distracted by the dark side of every situation or negative resources around you. Love will make your life more living and that's the game changer.
  4. Grow: Growth comes from consistency and dedication. If you are living where you are and love what you do - growth will be the starburst. The results will be so glamorous, that they will never be compared with others as most of the people around will not grow as exponentially as you will.

Think about this and make your way to be a successful in career.

Share your thoughts with me or for such discussions, you can DM me.

By the way, you are awesome - stay confident.


Margil Thakkar


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