4 of 15: Target!
Julia Klasson
Senior Delivery Leader | Product & Program Leadership | Business Advisory
Now into our second week, I am continuing this series on Back to Basics, the fundamentals of the job search process. So far, through these posts I have touched on:
- What are the elements of an effective job search?
- What are the skills, capabilities and foundations that you bring to a job or your job search, in addition to your traditional job talents?
- What are your career aspirations?
- What profession is your choice?
If you have answered the above, you are now ready for this post — what are your targets? These include your targeted industry, companies and role(s).
In order to move ahead quickly with a job search, the job seeker needs to be able to succinctly articulate what they are looking for. This helps everyone who is assisting them to know what to go after. The softer the direction, the more difficult it is for others to understand what you, the job seeker has to offer, and how to aid you in your search. In other words, “Help them help you.”
When you know where you want to be (profession) and what you want to be (profession), then you can start being very precise about who, what and where.
- What industry? You may have chosen your profession. Hmmm, say you have chosen to be a medical doctor. But what industry? Do you want to work in a clinic…what kind? Or, have a private practice? Or, work in a BioTech firm researching cures that will go before the FDA? Again, what is the industry that you want to be in?
- What companies are doing compelling work in your area of interest? What does Glassdoor.com say about employee satisfaction in your targeted companies? How does this information impact your interest in your targeted company(ies)?
- What is/are your targeted role(s)? What are you communicating to your network about the role(s) that you are looking for and how they can help you? What are you saying about the roles and the impact you can make in such a role? In this next chapter of your career, what is the role that you are looking for that will help you get one step closer to fulfill your overall career aspiration(s)?
When you have targets to go after it is much easier to zero in on the next steps:
- establish who to interact with
- review where your preferred positions (roles) are available; and
- determine how you are going to go about securing the job
There is the statement, “knowledge is power.” That is true for a job search, too. When you “know,” you are then able to roll up your sleeves and go after it. You can engage others to help you. With crisp direction you and your network can leverage one another to put you on a path to secure your desired position.
What and where are your bull’s-eyes? Point, click and communicate what you are looking for and the impact you will make. Good luck!