The 4-1-1 Content Rule

The 4-1-1 Content Rule

We all struggle with creating of VALAUBLE CONTENT!

The question to answer is: "How to create valuable content, while keeping keeping the quality high?"

Let's try and answer this question through the 4-1-1 content rule. This content tactic consists of 6 posts: 4 educational posts, 1 soft selling post, and 1 hard selling post.

4 Educational Posts

You need to EDUCATE your consumers by making use of the following content types, which are:

Demo videos / Screen recordings - Searching for relevant hashtags on LinkedIn.




I my personal opinion I enjoy making SCREEN RECORDINGS, because it is more interactive and you can showcase your expertise on a particular social media platform like LinkedIn.

"Content isn't king, its the kingdom" - Lee Odden

1 - Soft Selling Post

PERSONALIZED YOUR OFFER to your consumer by doing research on your target audience by answering the following questions:

What is their profession?

What are their hobbies and interests?

What problem does our product / service solve for them?

How long have they been a customer of your business?

What is the most important for them?

After personalizing your soft-selling post, you need to start building a relationship with them like in the sitcom "How I Met Your Mother?".

Watch this video?to showcase that building a relationship with your consumer is "A TWO-WAY STREET!"

1 - Hard Selling Post

You are being DIRECT in your APPROACH by using a crafted sales pitch customized to certain target individuals on LinkedIn through messaging campaigns. It is part of the CLOSING STAGE in the sales process of converting a prospect to a client.

Pros and Cons of hard selling:


Creates a sense of urgency.

Saves a lot of time.

Easy to implement and replicate.


Can't align with your prospect at that stage of the selling process.

Not ideal for repeated sales.

Less effective during economic downtimes.

Become the person who would attract the results you seek. -Jim Cathcart

My final words on this topic are:

Stay constant in the world of content marketing.

Gain practical experience through posting on a regular basis.

Never so NO to a helping hand.

PS: Be like Homer Simpson and learn on the job!

#business #contentstrategy #contentcreation #startups #linkedin


