The 3Ws for Wellness
Huizhen Lim, D.C.
Founder / Doctor of Chiropractic // Thrive Chiropractic. Passionate about helping people live their best life with Chiropractic care.
Have you gotten COVID-19? I did for the first time and it was a surreal experience.
1. Symptoms were weird.
2. Symptoms went as fast as they came.
3. Symptoms were long-drawn.
Falling sick isn’t necessarily a bad thing. And neither are symptoms.
Symptoms are the body’s reaction to a threat, and a way of protecting, healing and recovery.
How can we strengthen our body so we don’t fall sick, or if we do, get well faster?
My suggestion is to go back to basics and begin with the 3Ws for Wellness:
1. Drink lots of WATER. (2-3 litres to hydrate you from inside out)
2. Go for a WALK outdoors. (intensity of activity should NOT exceed current capacity/ability)
3. Catch a long WINK. (7-8 hours, be in bed by 11 pm and should wake up rested)
These cost little to nothing in terms of money, but they do take time, effort and commitment.
Some people might find these are easy but in my practice, I’ve met people who find these difficult. And I understand their challenges.
So if you CAN hit all 3, go for it.
But if you can’t, start with any of the 3.
In tiny, incremental steps: take one more sip of water than usual, go for a 1 min walk, OR go to bed 10 min earlier.
There is power in taking the first step.
And don’t under-estimate the #snowball effect.
Ultimately... if you don’t make time and effort for your health, you will be forced to make time and effort for your sickness.
Dr Lim
P.S. Chiropractic care is another Way to Wellness. If you don’t LOOK well (posture-wise), FEEL well (pain is common but not normal), or FUNCTION well (both in terms of movement or organ function), consider chiropractic.