3WH Framework for Sustainable Business Growth
V Senthil Kumar I Entrepreneur I Sales Expert I Growth Partner I Global Sourcing Partner I
Sales Expert II Business Breakthrough Catalyst II Growth Partner II Global Sourcing II Serial Entrepreneur || Business Strategy || Turnaround Specialist II
Business Driver
Growth is the fundamental need for all the business whether you are a start-up or entrepreneur or medium and large business or fortune 500 companies. Are all the organizations succeeding in achieving the fundamental need? Do you have the right growth strategy that takes you to exceptional success? or is there anything that they can implement will address their challenges or problems.
Current Business Scenario and challenges….
Today you will note that only few succeed while majority failed to make an impact. The impact that should have revolutionized your industry but unfortunately majority failed to capitalize their potential due to lack of right strategy.
How do we address these problems? This is where the right strategy of growth will help you. Before that let us discuss what are the propellers of growth.
Growth Propellers
Growth can be achieved in 2 strategic ways
1. Expand current range of business or services
2. Look for new business avenues - products/services
These 2 are the basic frame works of business growth.
First frame work focuses on improvising the existing solutions and expand this solution to address related or similar problems. The new ranges will complement the existing range. Whereas in the 2nd frame work, focus is on new business avenues which will definitely take you to extraordinary growth with lot of challenges. But this will be the business that will jumpstart your growth exponentially
3WH Framework
Now let's focus on how do we achieve the exponential growth. This is where our unique and powerful framework?3WH, will act as the prime mover for your exponential growth.3WH Framework for Sustainable Growth of your Business
3WH?is the simple technique that can be applied for all business segments including manufacturing or services. This consists of?4 questions starting with 3W namely, WHAT, WHY & WHEN and H - HOW.?The solution will ensure that you achieve the desired growth
4 Powerful Questions
1.?WHAT?are your pain or problem or challenge you want to address. For existing business, find out how you can improve your present solution for the pain and what are other possible problems it can address.
For new products, find out what new problems you want to address that will boost your business growth.
2.?WHY?do you want to improvise your existing solution??WHY?do you want to find new solutions?
This will lead you to lot of new possibilities which are the foundations for growth
3.?WHEN?do you want to launch your new products or improved solutions?
This will help you to identify the challenges, the right opportunity to launch
4.?HOW?do your product or services will benefit the customers?
Benefits from the point of view of your customers will help you to build a sustainable growth path.
Right now, you have a powerful framework that will definitely work for your business. Start applying this frame work to build your sustainable growth story....