3rd and 7th grade students prepare PSAs on pedestrian safety- wear reflectors, bright clothing, bring flashlights so you can be seen in dark
2 great PSAs -encouraging pedestrian safety
3rd grade Students provide pedestrians with safety tips
& 7th grader encourages pedestrians to wear reflectors, use flashlights when walking at night
Looking for students from all school districts to participate in the effort to encourage pedestrians to be more careful when walking at night (e mail me at [email protected] if you know students who would like to be involved in the effort
Highview School's librarian and Intervention Lab teacher Mr. Mike McHale, gathered some third-grade students from the Advanced Learning Program (ALP) classroom, and put together the following PSA regarding safety. Wear reflectors. Carry flashlights. Try to wear bright (not dark) clothing. If motorists can't see you walking you could be hit by a car. Every year pedestrians die because motorists can't see them walking in the dark. The Highview students also provide pedestrians with a number of other important safety tips that could help keep pedestrians safe. Highview School is part of the Greenburgh Central school district.
THANK YOU students for helping our community be safe. If everyone follows the recommendations in the PSA there would be fewer pedestrian accidents.
Siddanth Karthik, a 7th grader at Edgemont produced the following PSA earlier this year urging pedestrians to be careful when walking in the evening-wear bright clothing, reflectors, carry a flash light.
Free reflectors can be picked up at the lobby of the Greenburgh Town Hall. The Greenburgh police also give out reflectors to pedestrians.
We continue to try to involve students and hope they will continue to help us make our town a better and safer place to live.