3P in Every Great Leader

3P in Every Great Leader

One morning in 1921, 20 years old Soekarno didn't go to college and rode his bicycle aimlessly until he reached the southern region of Bandung City.?

Soekarno then met a farmer who was tilling his own land while wearing worn-out clothes. The farmers worked on their small rice fields, each less than one-third of a hectare in size. In the Sundanese language, Soekarno asked,?

"Who is the owner of this cultivated land?"?

The farmer replied, "It's me, sir."?

The farmer, named Marhaen, explained that the land he managed had been passed down from his ancestors to his children. When asked by Soekarno, Farmer Marhaen also admitted that all the tools he used, including shovels, hoes, plows, and the small house on the land, were his own.?

He also worked on his piece of land alone without assistance from others. The results of his labor were only enough to feed his family, consisting of his wife and four children.?

"The yield is just enough for our meals. There is nothing left to sell," said Farmer Marhaen.?

In the book Bung Karno: Penyambung Lidah Rakyat Indonesia by Cindy Adam, Soekarno mentioned that Marhaen is a common name, like Smith and Jones.?

"I will use that name to represent all the unfortunate people in Indonesia like him! Since then, I named my people Marhaen," said Soekarno.?

In the evening, Soekarno conveyed this idea to the youth organization he led.?

"Our farmers work on extremely small plots of land. They are victims of the feudal system, where initially the first farmers were oppressed by the first nobles, and it continued through generations for centuries,"?

Soekarno said. "People who are not farmers also become victims of Dutch colonial trade imperialism because their ancestors were forced to engage in small-scale businesses just to survive. These victims include almost the entire population of Indonesia, they are the Marhaen,"?

According to Soekarno, a Marhaen is someone who has very few tools, a small person with small possessions and small tools, just enough for themselves. "Marhaenism is Indonesian Socialism in practice," Soekarno declared.?

Eventually, Soekarno established the Indonesian National Party (PNI) together with six of his colleagues from the Algemeene Studie-club on July 4, 1927. And "Rakyat Marhaen" (the Marhaen people) always remained a part of Soekarno's speeches. (source: Kompas.com).

3P of The Leader

I shared the Soekarno story since it taught as that most of leader need a 3 things before lead:

  1. Problem to solve: What is our problem and common enemy?
  2. Purpose: What will be the end game?
  3. Proposed solution: We should do this strategy!

Soekarno highlighted the problem of Indonesian in 1920: poverty and colonialism. He emphasized the struggle of ‘Wong Cilik’ and the pain point from imperialism by the Dutch Colony as the common enemy that must be changed.??

After he showed the problem, he came up with a purpose: independent territory so every Marhaen can enjoy prosperity.?

"Our weapon is a plan, a plan to equalize taxation, so that the Marhaen people with a maximum income of 60 rupiahs per year are not burdened with the same taxes as white-skinned individuals with a minimum income of 9,000 rupiahs per year. Our goal is exorbitante rechten, extraordinary rights of the Governor-General, which, in short, is nothing but sanctioned disruption against humanity."

Last, he came up with a proposed solution: Independent Indonesia. By using PNI as his political platform, he already dreamed of a new country and he wrote it in his plea: Indonesia Menggugat. This is the ‘selling point’ that moved millions of people to join Soekarno.

Your 3P

Want to get your next promotion? Ask your 3P.

What is your team Pain point?

What should be the vision of your team / company?

How to achieve that?

This is the basic formula to lead something. Try to analyze the situation and define the root cause problem. Ask your team to imagine the end game, and last but not least: propose a strategy and action plan to achieve it.

At the end it must be translated into action. Since leadership without action, is like a dreamer who never wakes up.


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