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Yapay Zeka destekli Meme MRI ile "Erken Evre Meme Kanseri Te?hisi" ?al??mas?...2024年11月11日
Yapay Zeka destekli Meme MRI ile "Erken Evre Meme Kanseri Te?hisi" ?al??mas?...
Yapay Zeka destekli Meme MR'? ile yap?lan Erken Evre Meme Kanseri Te?hisi ?al??malar?ndan elde edilen Temel ??kar?mlar;…
Meme CT - Meme MR G?rüntülemesi kar??la?t?rmas?:2024年10月4日
Meme CT - Meme MR G?rüntülemesi kar??la?t?rmas?:
Meme CT (B-CT) - Meme MR G?rüntülemesi (B-MRI) kar??la?t?rmas?; Meme Manyetik Rezonans G?rüntülemesi (B-MRI) ve…
Prostat ve Meme Kanseri oran? artarken tan? ve tedavideki geli?meler umut verici...2024年3月31日
Prostat ve Meme Kanseri oran? artarken tan? ve tedavideki geli?meler umut verici...
Kanserin erken te?his ve tan?s? Tüm Kanser türlerinin Y?netimi ve Tedavisi nde ?nemli bir rol oynamaktad?r. ?? Kad?n ve…
Yapay Zeka ile *Dijital Akci?er Grafisi* De?erlendirmesi2024年3月12日
Yapay Zeka ile *Dijital Akci?er Grafisi* De?erlendirmesi
Klinik a??dan ?nemli g?zden ka?an bulgular? tespit etmek i?in akci?er grafilerinin yapay zeka destekli ?ift okunmas?:…
1 条评论 -
Akci?er Grafisinde Yapay Zeka tabanl? Bilgisayar Destekli Te?his2024年3月7日
Akci?er Grafisinde Yapay Zeka tabanl? Bilgisayar Destekli Te?his
Akci?er Radyografisi dünya ?ap?nda en ?ok yap?lan radyolojik incelemedir. Tomografi ve Manyetik Rezonansa g?re maliyet…
Adolesan idiyopatik skolyozda volümetrik g?rüntüleme i?in geni? kapsama alan?na sahip, yük alt?nda g?rüntü alan Konik I??n?ml? Tomografik R?ntgen2024年1月13日
Adolesan idiyopatik skolyozda volümetrik g?rüntüleme i?in geni? kapsama alan?na sahip, yük alt?nda g?rüntü alan Konik I??n?ml? Tomografik R?ntgen
Bu ?al??ma, tüm omurgan?n geni? kapsaml?, a??rl?k ta??yan ve 3 boyutlu g?rüntülerini üreten yeni bir g?rüntüleme…
6 条评论 -
*GERM-Buster* Dezenfeksiyon Kabinetleri ?zel Uygulamalar?2024年1月8日
*GERM-Buster* Dezenfeksiyon Kabinetleri ?zel Uygulamalar?
Tüm bula??c? hastal?klar ve mutasyonlar? ile sava??m?zda, enfeksiyon hastal?klar?nda ve salg?nlarda, UVc+Ozon…
We sincerely congratulate your New Year and wish you all the beauties to be with you in 20242023年12月29日
We sincerely congratulate your New Year and wish you all the beauties to be with you in 2024
METEKS’in yeni y?ldaki ilk yenilik?i yakla??m?; Türkiye’de bir ilk METEKS’ Brand New Innovative Approach in the new…
Kanserin, "Te?his - Tan? - Tedavi - Takip"i i?in *Füzyon Yapay Zeka*2023年9月26日
Kanserin, "Te?his - Tan? - Tedavi - Takip"i i?in *Füzyon Yapay Zeka*
Erken Te?his Et, Do?ru Tan? Koy, H?zl? Tedavi Et, Takip et… Neredeyse tüm kanser türlerinin tedavisi erken te?his ve…
Treatment comparison of Breast Cancer Stages...2023年9月18日
Treatment comparison of Breast Cancer Stages...
A study is published about the costs of treating Breast Cancers caught in different stages in Canada. The cost of…
Mechanical TestingHow do you report and communicate Izod impact test results to stakeholders?
Materials ScienceWhat are some methods for testing the impact resistance of materials?
MechanicsHow can you calculate lateral acceleration on a banked road?
Fiber OpticsHow do you use a fiber optic microscope to inspect and evaluate the quality of fiber optic connectors?
Mechanical TestingHow do you troubleshoot and resolve common problems or errors in the Charpy impact test?
Aerospace EngineeringHow can you model fatigue cracks in aerospace structures?
Optical EngineeringYou need to find a way to make your optical fiber fusion splicers last longer. How can you achieve that?
Optical EngineeringWhat are the best ways to store optical devices?
Structural EngineeringWhat are the best ways to prevent resonance in structures?
Aerospace EngineeringWhat methods are used to predict fatigue crack growth in aerospace structures?
Examples of Oscillating Reamers’ Ability To Prepare Canals Without Distortion
Barry Musikant 3 年 -
Effect of equal-channel angular pressing on ordering kinetics and twinning in an 18-carat AuCuAg alloy
Société Suisse de Chronométrie 1 年 -
Intraoperative "3D C-Arm"
METEKS Engineering Service & Trading Ltd. Co. 2 年 -
Pushing New Boundaries with High Energy (MeV) Computed Tomography
Camaron Lemmer 2 年 -
Inner Centration Error on Aspheres. Season 1/ Part 4
Dr. Engelbert Hofbauer 1 年 -
Analyse edge Deformation – Fire Arm Spring
Gyanesh Singh 4 年 -
classification of PCB sectioning
AKEN Cheung 封装基板制造商 7 年 -
Detection of fastener loosening in simple lap joint based on ultrasonic wavefield imaging
Ed. Leong 3 年 -
OT- Measuring Cell
Thomas Gabriel Beck 2 年
Sales Manager @ Yuwell Global | Business Development, Marketing Management
1 年3D C-arm can do this