3D Printer

3D Printer

This year I attend high school competition named SO? (Stredo?kolská odborná ?innos?). My goal was to build 3D printer from cheap electronics from China, used rods from other 2D printers and printed parts. Mainboard is Arduino with Ramps 1.4 shield which is the cheapest alternative. I achieved my goal and after it, I added Raspberry Pi and Octoprint. Nowadays I can control every aspect of 3D printing remotely through internet. Also, I added relay controls to control PSU and LED lights through Octoprint. I gained many experiences is building 3D printers, tendance of them, modeling in 3D Cads, and printing itself. With this project I won first place in school round, district round and third place in the regional round. I want to deal with 3D printing in the future as a hobby or as work because I see it as a future of almost every industry.


