
3A’s: When we begin to work on a project, one need to be clear on 3A’s: Accessibility, Acceptability & Affordability. Now these are not just mere WORDS but a WORLD into it.

1)     ACCESSIBILITY: Is not just that customer knows you and contact you for discussing a new project, rather it is more about your RELATIONSHIP which helps you FOLLOWTHROUGH (not just follow ups) the project and makes you seat at the negotiation table.

2)     ACCEPTABILITY: It is how a client is comfortable working with your organization in terms of Product + price +services. What kind of customer experience you are giving to him and how he sees you as a partner? It is NEVER a formula of CHEAPEST gets easy business. There is always something a customer gets- Value or lesson/s.

3)     AFFORDABILITY: Your value proposition needs to be in place WRT what a buyer is looking at, every body is into a big business jungle, so it becomes utmost important in today’s dynamic business environment that we work on the right track.


