38th Annual National Trial College

38th Annual National Trial College

Hello beautiful people,

No matter how many trials I win or lose, one thing remains constant: I owe it to everyone I represent to get better with every passing year.

Which is why I'm headed to the 38th annual National Trial College located at the University of Virginia School of Law. Founded in 1981, it has attracted thousands of lawyers over the years who love practicing law -- not from behind a desk -- but rather, in courtrooms all across the nation. (See www.trialadcollege.org for details)

Ultimately we take way too much pride in going where other lawyers won't and studying what other lawyers don't, to simply sit idle. Our reputation for precision criminal defense continues to remain steadfast because we have a passion for learning -- and more importantly -- applying that knowledge to cases all over the midwest.

Take good care, and find us at: www.kcmetrodefense.com.

-Greg Watt


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