38% of SRAS-Cov2 victims killed by improper decisions (?)

The John Hopkins University collects Covid-19 data from about 230 countries since 2019.

Based on external data sources [Source1] [Source2] , it makes appear a worldwide excess of about 38% more prematured deaths from SRAS-Cov2 in countries having limited the use of HCQ (Hydroxychlorquine) since the begining of epidemia.

At the end February 2021, available data were showing a population of 1.195 billion people in 90 countries concerned by governmental limitations of HCQ (red bars in Fig.1). Meanwhile, 5.819 billion people in 76 countries were left free to use it (blue bars in Fig.1).

Percentages of prematured deaths from SRAS-Cov2 compared in countries having limited or genralized the use of HCQ against Covid-19 since 2019.

Fig.1: Percentages of prematured deaths from SRAS-Cov2 in worlwide populations (2019-2021).

(For practical reasons, all 166 countries were not named in Fig.1. - vertical axis)

With 5 victims a million people (0.000539%) in "no HCQ" countries against 3 victims a million (0.000336%), in "HCQ" countries, including China, India, Brazil, Russia and Japan, the average percentage of victims within worldwide populations felt down to 62% of the one observed in "no-HCQ" zones.

It means you had, in general, about 38% more chance to die from the epidemia living in "no-HCQ" zones than in "HCQ" zones. For a country such as France, suffering about 85 700 prematured deceases from SRAS-Cov2/Covid19 at the end Februray 2021, it should have created more than 32 000 victims yet killed by improper governmental decision. According to wordlwide facts, as an HCQ zone France could have reduced to 54 000 her prematured deaths from SRAS-COv2, while reducing hospitals overwhelming, public costs and sequela within sensible populations.

Regarding economical consequences, Covid-19 data show Sweden reduced the prematured death percentage per inhabitant to 0.127% without lockdown from 2019 to February 2021, while France was to 0.131%, close to Sweden with successive lockdowns. It might be constructive to further investigate the causes and consequences of such checked facts so as to preserve worldwide economy.

[Source1] https://www.worldometers.info/world-population/population-by-country/ [Source2] https://c19study.com/countries.html.

Annexed data

No HCQ zones

33 931	San Marino	74	0.2181%
11 589 623	Belgium	22 077	0.1905%
2 078 938	Slovenia	3 836	0.1845%
67 886 011	United Kingdom	123 083	0.1813%
60 461 826	Italy	97 699	0.1616%
628 066	Montenegro	1 003	0.1597%
3 280 819	Bosnia and Herzegovina	5 071	0.1546%
2 083 374	North Macedonia	3 137	0.1506%
46 754 778	Spain	69 142	0.1479%
6 948 445	Bulgaria	10 191	0.1467%
128 932 753	Mexico	185 715	0.1440%
77 265	Andorra	110	0.1424%
38 128	Liechtenstein	54	0.1416%
32 971 854	Peru	46 299	0.1404%
4 105 267	Croatia	5 526	0.1346%
65 273 511	France	85 741	0.1314%
10 099 265	Sweden	12 826	0.1270%
37 846 611	Poland	43 769	0.1156%
2 963 243	Armenia	3 192	0.1077%
19 116 201	Chile	20 572	0.1076%
4 033 963	Moldova	3 949	0.0979%
9 006 398	Austria	8 561	0.0951%
17 134 872	Netherlands	15 688	0.0916%
17 643 054	Ecuador	15 811	0.0896%
4 937 786	Ireland	4 319	0.0875%
1 886 198	Latvia	1 618	0.0858%
441 543	Malta	315	0.0713%
11 818 619	Tunisia	8 001	0.0677%
2 877 797	Albania	1 796	0.0624%
39 242	Monaco	24	0.0612%
37 742 154	Canada	21 990	0.0583%
1 160 164	Eswatini	652	0.0562%
8 737 371	Serbia	4 443	0.0509%
10 203 134	Jordan	4 701	0.0461%
393 244	Bahamas	179	0.0455%
1 326 535	Estonia	589	0.0444%
5 792 202	Denmark	2 362	0.0408%
17 915 568	Guatemala	6 393	0.0357%
40 222 493	Iraq	13 406	0.0333%
10 139 177	Azerbaijan	3 220	0.0318%
6 871 292	Libya	2 179	0.0317%
586 632	Suriname	172	0.0293%
555 987	Cabo Verde	147	0.0264%
4 270 571	Kuwait	1 083	0.0254%
786 552	Guyana	195	0.0248%
6 524 195	Kyrgyzstan	1 466	0.0225%
1 207 359	Cyprus	231	0.0191%
183 627	Saint Lucia	35	0.0191%
2 540 905	Namibia	424	0.0167%
869 601	Comoros	144	0.0166%
97 929	Antigua and Barbuda	14	0.0143%
2 961 167	Jamaica	422	0.0143%
2 142 249	Lesotho	292	0.0136%
5 540 720	Finland	742	0.0134%
2 351 627	Botswana	310	0.0132%
287 375	Barbados	33	0.0115%
540 544	Maldives	62	0.0115%
98 347	Seychelles	11	0.0112%
1 399 488	Trinidad and Tobago	139	0.0099%
29 136 808	Nepal	2 774	0.0095%
341 243	Iceland	29	0.0085%
1 402 985	Equatorial Guinea	91	0.0065%
38 928 346	Afghanistan	2 443	0.0063%
2 416 668	Gambia	150	0.0062%
18 383 955	Zambia	1 091	0.0059%
17 500 658	Syria	1 027	0.0059%
19 129 952	Malawi	1 044	0.0055%
43 849 260	Sudan	1 880	0.0043%
25 499 884	Australia	909	0.0036%
32 365 999	Malaysia	1 130	0.0035%
1 968 001	Guinea-Bissau	48	0.0024%
11 402 528	Haiti	250	0.0022%
29 825 964	Yemen	634	0.0021%
12 952 218	Rwanda	261	0.0020%
5 057 681	Liberia	85	0.0017%
15 893 222	Somalia	239	0.0015%
4 829 767	Central African Republic	63	0.0013%
27 691 018	Madagascar	297	0.0011%
8 278 724	Togo	84	0.0010%
7 976 983	Sierra Leone	79	0.0010%
9 537 645	Tajikistan	90	0.0009%
112 523	Grenada	1	0.0009%
11 193 725	South Sudan	93	0.0008%
4 822 233	New Zealand	26	0.0005%        

HCQ Zones

10 708 981	Czechia	20 339	0.1899%
10 196 709	Portugal	16 317	0.1600%
9 660 351	Hungary	14 974	0.1550%
4 314 767	Panama	5 845	0.1355%
5 459 642	Slovakia	7 189	0.1317%
212 559 417	Brazil	254 942	0.1199%
2 722 289	Lithuania	3 244	0.1192%
50 882 891	Colombia	59 766	0.1175%
8 654 622	Switzerland	9 966	0.1152%
45 195 774	Argentina	51 965	0.1150%
19 237 691	Romania	20 350	0.1058%
625 978	Luxembourg	637	0.1018%
11 673 021	Bolivia	11 649	0.0998%
51 269 185	South Korea	49 993	0.0975%
3 989 167	Georgia	3 510	0.0880%
59 308 690	South Africa	49 993	0.0843%
83 783 942	Germany	70 152	0.0837%
397 628	Belize	315	0.0792%
83 992 949	Iran	60 073	0.0715%
6 825 445	Lebanon	4 692	0.0687%
8 655 535	Israel	5 752	0.0665%
43 733 762	Ukraine	27 404	0.0627%
45 741 007	Uganda	28 569	0.0625%
10 423 054	Greece	6 504	0.0624%
145 934 462	Russia	84 700	0.0580%
5 094 118	Costa Rica	2 800	0.0550%
7 132 538	Paraguay	3 181	0.0446%
9 904 607	Honduras	4 151	0.0419%
84 339 067	Turkey	28 569	0.0339%
5 106 626	Oman	1 570	0.0307%
6 486 205	El Salvador	1 854	0.0286%
10 847 910	Dominican Republic	3 100	0.0286%
1 701 575	Bahrain	449	0.0264%
36 910 560	Morocco	8 623	0.0234%
9 449 323	Belarus	1 976	0.0209%
34 813 871	Saudi Arabia	6 494	0.0187%
3 473 730	Uruguay	608	0.0175%
18 776 707	Kazakhstan	3 162	0.0168%
273 523 615	Indonesia	36 166	0.0132%
9 890 402	United Arab Emirates	1 221	0.0123%
5 421 241	Norway	622	0.0115%
1 380 004 385	India	157 157	0.0114%
109 581 078	Philippines	12 318	0.0112%
102 334 404	Egypt	10 688	0.0104%
14 862 924	Zimbabwe	1 463	0.0098%
4 649 658	Mauritania	441	0.0095%
2 881 053	Qatar	258	0.0090%
43 851 044	Algeria	2 983	0.0068%
126 476 461	Japan	7 889	0.0062%
220 892 340	Pakistan	12 896	0.0058%
16 743 927	Senegal	872	0.0052%
164 689 383	Bangladesh	8 408	0.0051%
28 435 940	Venezuela	1 344	0.0047%
2 225 734	Gabon	83	0.0037%
53 771 296	Kenya	1 856	0.0035%
11 326 616	Cuba	322	0.0028%
6 624 554	Nicaragua	173	0.0026%
21 413 249	Sri Lanka	464	0.0022%
26 545 863	Cameroon	551	0.0021%
114 963 588	Ethiopia	2 365	0.0021%
31 255 435	Mozambique	641	0.0021%
31 072 940	Ghana	607	0.0020%
33 469 203	Uzbekistan	622	0.0019%
20 250 833	Mali	353	0.0017%
32 866 272	Angola	508	0.0015%
206 139 589	Nigeria	1 907	0.0009%
16 425 864	Chad	140	0.0009%
1 271 768	Mauritius	10	0.0008%
26 378 274	C?te d'Ivoire	192	0.0007%
24 206 644	Niger	172	0.0007%
20 903 273	Burkina Faso	142	0.0007%
13 132 795	Guinea	89	0.0007%
12 123 200	Benin	70	0.0006%
1 439 323 776	China	4 835	0.0003%        


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