September marked one year since we kicked off the Directorate-general for Digital Nation and Urban Agenda in the Government of Catalonia. Enrolled in the Vice-presidency, Ministry for Digital Policy and Territory, the DG's main goal was to build bridges between digitalisation and the territory/ more urban sphere.
I have been super honored to lead this DG until last week, and as a homage I would like to recap on these amazing, intense, extraordinary months of team-work, hard-work and all the superpowers we’ve been able to mix to push forward projects and initiatives that I am convinced (super convinced) you’ll love to hear about. Call it hard-work, call it team-work, call it execution, call it planning... but don't miss to call it PASSION :)
So here’s what we’ve been up to over these intense 365 days!
- We’ve got it!!! This is our brand new #NewUrbanAgenda: Agenda dels pobles i ciutats #Catalunya2050. They say it’s not work when you do what you like, so let’s say I’ve been partying hard until AM every single night for the past few months!
- Participatory processes: although the process started as early as UN Habitat launched the need for the Agenda at Habitat III in Quito, over the past year took place the hard work of the 300+ experts from across Catalonia that joined the conversation in 12 working groups, to deliver specific challenges, opportunities and actions. Thank you so much for the valuable contributions of each of the participants!
- Infants and adolescents’ participation: okay, so we’re imagining our future and we thought we couldn’t do this without them: aged 8-17, more than 200 amazing children from across Catalonia have participated in an online survey ( and in a workshop along our colleagues from the CNIAC (Catalonia’s National Council of Infants and Adolescents). What an incredible experience!
- Our specific vision: so I’d like to say this high and loud. Catalonia’s Urban Agenda is DIGITAL. Not that it’s only online and that we’ve saved tons of paper not printing the document. Not just that. DIGITALISATION is a transversal layer that outlines every single action of the agenda. Digitalisation to connect every single point of Catalonia; to enhance territorial balance, connectivity and infrastructures. Digitalization to promote new opportunities in our economy, in our traditional sectors and to create more job opportunities and to form the talent of the future. Digitalization for an improved equitable and just society, to leave no one and no place behind. Digitalisation for a better urban future.
- What else? In localizing the agenda we’ve named it AGENDA DELS POBLES I CIUTATS CATALUNYA 2050. We’re leaving no habitat behind!
- To everyone interested in new forms of governance, you’ll love this: the Assembly (which I was honoured to be the secretary of) gathers together high representatives of all the ministries of the Government, many Mayors from towns and cities in Catalonia, all municipalities, presidents of provincial governments, universities, professional schools, unions, representatives from civil society and third sector…. Overall, +150 high(est) representatives from the different constituencies.
- And together we have worked and approved this agenda. Isn’t it great? A shared vision, a shared roadmap, for the future of Catalonia’s society, economy and territory. Congrats to all!!!!
- Now this is a beautiful project! Joint project between the Government of Catalonia and United Nations Urban Resilience Hub to analyse and study the implications of future threads in sustainability, ecosystems, economy, talent and demographics in the resilience capacity of the territory of Terres de l’Ebre.
- Again, digitalization will bring opportunities to the next level: for traditional sectors (agriculture, agrifood, marine and fishing) and new activities (3D printing, AI, 5G and connectivity developments). I can’t say much more for the time being, but we’re expecting a participatory process, workshops with local actors, the development of a digital tool to promote these kind of studies elsewhere…
- We even presented the project at UN headquarters in NYC in spring –as this is the first time UN studies resilience from the territorial perspective –incorporating many different urban/ cities/ territories’ perspectives.
- Together with Microsoft and the Footprint Firm we presented the results of HYBRID WORK MODELS to improve sustainability and promote carbon reduction. And know what? 26% of emissions are saved if you work from or close to home 2.5 days per week + reduced congestion, better time use, improved competitiveness… Hybrid work models are the way if you can and have the means.
- We presented this at the COP26 in Glasgow. Lucky uh?
- So Catalonia declares itself a territory free of spyware and goes beyond by promoting the GENEVA DECLARATION ON TARGETED SURVEILLANCE, which you can check, discuss and enrol here:
- We presented this at the margins of the Human Rights Council 51st session in Geneva (HRC51) together with Human Rights organization Accessnow. Amazing right?
- And travelled around to capitalize on the work we were doing and promote Catalonia internationally: Linz, London, Brussels, Antwerp, New York, Katowice, Nice for MIPIM, ?Attendance to the UNITED CITIES AND LOGAL GOVERNMENTS WORLD FORUM, in New York, Attendance to the WORLD URBAN FORUM, in Katowice, Geneva for the HRC.
?And none of this would’ve happened if it weren’t for the COMPLICITY of the vice-president of the Government and his super incredible office (Vane, Ivan, Xavi and Anna), the small (but big) team at the DG, our colleagues from the secretariat of Digital Policy, Foundation i2CAT, Anteverti, UN HABITAT, Incasòl, Delegations of the Government in USA, Geneva, Austria, Brussels…………… THANK YOU ?THANK YOU THANK YOU!
Congrats Maria ??
Urbanist, Professor, Politician. Deputy Mayor of Sustainable Territory, Environment and Animal Welfare. Lecturer of Urban Design and Urban Data Analytics.
2 年Well done and all the best for the future, Maria!
well done Maria. An excellent set of achievements. It has been a pleasure to collaborate with you.
Director of Innovation | Digital Transformation Leader | Disruptive Technology Expert | Business Strategist | Keynote Speaker
2 年Congrats Maria. It has been an honor to work with you