360° HACKING toolbox setup in 15 minutes

360° HACKING toolbox setup in 15 minutes

ANYONE can setup in maximum 15 minutes a virtual machine (PC), with a bit of support from Youtube a fully running tools set to do any baseline pentesting or hacking activity.

The question I ask myself is "why is there so little awareness concerning IT security?"

IT is the base of the well-functioning of our society, absolutely nothing can run without it. We are all highly dependent on it, but don't see the risks we are all running by our lack of commitment to ALL contribute to the IT / cyber security.

The most common reply I get on this is "who cares about my stuff, my life,..." well actually you are all essential and resposible for a well strucktured and sophisticated cyberattack.

When you dig even a bit deeper, you will realise that 85% to 95% of the security breaches are not reported by any media.

99% of private users don't even know if anything happened to them or if they are being used or abused.

65% of any company out there also don't realise that they have been hacked and when they do we eventually see/hear it in average 100 days after the incident date + 45 extra days just to know what was stolen....

With this VM you also have access to the Dark web, to botnets, you can surf anonymously … it is a VERY DANGOURUS FREE WAPPEN in the hands of the wrong people, not too say what an unconscious teenager could do with it… Scary, very scary :-(

Here a glace of what you have in place after 15 minutes (Watch it all - The interesting part is after 5 minutes into the video):

Parrot OS 3.5 Review

It is on your own risk if you use the Parrot suite. It is your own responsibility if you use it for illegal activities. This is not a toy, badly used has consequences for you.


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