36 Life Lessons For My 36th Birthday ??

36 Life Lessons For My 36th Birthday ??

This week I got one year older. I turned 36 meaning I still have about 2/3 of my life to live. (Yes, I manifest that I will live to over 100.)

The difference between birthdays as adults and birthdays as kids is that instead of receiving gifts, I want to share a gift with you.

Over the last several years, I have kept a list of life lessons I have learned.

And today I am going to share 36 of those lessons in hopes that at least one of them will be able to help you avoid some of the pain of learning those important lessons firsthand.

My dog and kid were most excited by the cake.

I decided to break my learning lessons into 10 different categories, so if you just want to skim-read to sections that are most important to you then go right ahead. I have also decided to save the story tied to each one of these life lessons for another post because no person is going to read through 36 stories in one sitting.

Let me know in the comments which lesson you believe was most helpful for you.

Personal Growth

  1. Embrace change - it's the only constant in life.
  2. Stay curious - never stop learning.
  3. Accept that not everyone will like you - and that's okay.
  4. Take responsibility for your actions - you control your choices.

Relationships and People

  1. Surround yourself with positive people - they influence your mindset.
  2. Trust is earned - don't expect it immediately.
  3. Never burn bridges - you never know when paths will cross again.

Emotional Intelligence

  1. Vulnerability is a strength - not a weakness.
  2. Don't dwell on the past - it's unchangeable, but you control your future.
  3. Celebrate small wins - they add up to big accomplishments.

Success and Career

  1. Don't be afraid to fail - it's often the first step toward success.
  2. Hard work beats talent - when talent doesn't work hard.
  3. Consistency is more important than intensity - small daily efforts lead to big results.
  4. Take risks - the greatest rewards often lie outside your comfort zone.

Time Management and Productivity

  1. Time is your most valuable resource - use it wisely.
  2. The perfect moment never arrives - act now, adjust later.
  3. Break big tasks into smaller steps - it makes them more manageable.
  4. Eliminate distractions - create an environment that supports focus.

Health and Wellness

  1. Exercise regularly - it benefits both mind and body.
  2. Sleep is not optional - prioritize it for optimal functioning.
  3. Drink water - stay hydrated for energy and focus.
  4. Mental health is just as important as physical health - don't neglect it.

Mindset and Attitude

  1. Your thoughts shape your reality - choose them carefully.
  2. Gratitude shifts your perspective - practice it daily.
  3. Mistakes are learning opportunities - don't be afraid of them.
  4. Optimism attracts opportunities - see the glass as half full.

Life Purpose and Fulfillment

  1. It's never too late to start over - begin again when necessary.
  2. Serve others - life is richer when you help those in need.
  3. Seek experiences, not things - memories last longer than possessions.

Problem Solving and Decision Making

  1. Every problem has a solution - focus on finding it.
  2. Think long-term - short-term gains can lead to long term losses.
  3. Compromise is often necessary in both life and work.

Gratitude and Perspective

  1. Be thankful for what you have - not everyone is as fortunate.
  2. Don't take people for granted. - Appreciate those who support you and remember that people are humans, not objects.
  3. Be present - life happens now, not in the past or future.
  4. Legacy isn't about what you leave behind, but how you live today. - impact others positively.

There you have it. The 36 biggest lessons I have learned in my life thus far spanning multiple aspects of life like personal development, relationships, career success, and overall well-being. Stay tuned over the next year as I share a more detailed story for each one of those life lessons.

About the Author:

Dan Cosgrove is the CEO of Wellness for the Workforce a business focused on accelerating the physical, mental, and financial health of Americans. Dan is a native of Cincinnati and is based out of Boston with his wonderful wife, cute toddler, and a dumb dog named Waffles. He would love to connect to see how he can add value and joy to your life.


