35 Lessons I Wish I Had Known Before I Was 35

35 Lessons I Wish I Had Known Before I Was 35

In celebration of my birthday today, here is my gift to you: 35 things I wish I had known before I was 35 ????

1. Deep enoughness & love for yourself truly is the key to everything. A healed SELF is the magic ingredient you’ve been looking externally for.

2. Unbelievable success and abundance comes from healing yourself - your mind, heart, soul and energy. The closer to wholeness you become, the more success you unlock.

3. Boundaries are the best gift you will ever give yourself and your children. Every new level you grow to will command a new level of boundaries.

4. People will say bad things, think bad things, be jealous and be insecure no matter how good a person you are. So you may as well be f**king rich and happy and living your best life anyway!

5. Sometimes healing a relationship means ending that relationship- whether that’s family, partners or friends. When you finally choose you, the Universe responds.

6. Follow your own path, not ones others expect of you. The more you do what is aligned with your soul, the more easy and abundant life becomes.

7. No amount of money in the bank will every make you feel worthy. True worthiness comes from within. No amount of money in the bank will ever make you feel safe either - that also comes from within.

8. Never settle for less than what you really want. You deserve the world and so much more. The secret is trust - what you are looking for is looking for you too. You will find each other.

9. Turning s**t into gold is one of the best skills you will ever have - every experience (even the bad ones) helps us grow way more than we ever realise. They are often redirections towards our soul purpose.

10. Your true friends you can count on one hand. Quality over quantity.

11. The only thing holding you back is you- work on yourself if you want true freedom.

12. When you have your own child your perspective on everything changes and you put up with a lot less s**t from a lot less people. Time becomes the most important currency you have.

13. Surround yourself only with the people who love and believe in you no matter what. Anyone else is welcome to leave. Oh, and if there are people in your life holding you back - sometimes the Universe takes the trash out for you. It may feel hurt at the time but it’s for your greatest good.

14. When people criticise you or bring you down it’s only because you are reflecting something they can’t do but wish they could.

15. Loving yourself is not selfish, it is necessary. It’s the greatest legacy you can pass on.

16. Don’t put your self belief or power in someone else’s hands. Believe in yourself and you can achieve anything.

17. You will never be ready, so just do it anyway- stop delaying. A small step forward is better than staying in the same place. You are more ready than you think, you are just scared of change and the potential success that change can bring.

18. You don’t manifest what you think, you manifest what you FEEL - and when your desires are a complete mismatch to your feelings, (eg feeling unworthy), you will struggle to manifest it. The more you heal your self, the more powerful your manifesting will be.

19. Redefine success as what is meaningful to you. Otherwise you’ll achieve it and it will feel meaningless.

20. Feel the fear, remind yourself you are safe and ready now and do it anyway.

21. Your time is your most valuable asset- spend it wisely and with people who deserve it.

22. Sometimes you have to make a short term sacrifice for long term gain. Those who are willing to take risks rise the most.

23. Always always listen to your gut instinct. Always. And if you don’t, you can still trust yourself. Listen next time.

24. Never put someone else’s happiness or goals before your own.

25. Life won’t always be as hard as it feels, honest. You are loved and supported.

26. Your twin flame is out there. That love will knock every other relationship right out of the ball park. The on that makes you understand why nothing else worked.

27. Be your authentic and true self and you will be rewarded, the right people will be attracted to you in life and business.

28. You are a survivor, you got through the worst days of your life in childhood and you can face anything else that comes your way.

29. You have something unique to offer the world, tap into it and appreciate it. Value yourself. No one can do it like you can. We spend our whole childhoods trying to fit in, but in entrepreneurship we need to stand out.

30. Our struggles lead to our successes- use them to drive you. But more success comes from a place of love (for yourself).

31. Let go of people that have let you down. It’s ok and necessary to walk away.

32. There’s no room for drama and success, cut the drama and you’ll see more success.

33. The power of gratitude is real. Write 3 gratitudes every morning and every evening to top and tail your day for a positive mindset.

34. Your life can change so much in 6 months, stay positive. Keep taking tiny actions every day towards your dreams.

35. YOU HAVE A RIGHT TO PROTECT YOURSELF. Whether that’s in business or in life - you are worthy of protection.

What was your favourite lesson?


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