35 Interview Questions Every Serious Interviewer Must Ask

35 Interview Questions Every Serious Interviewer Must Ask

Most recruitment models in the corporate world and economies are obsolete; they must be abandoned and replaced with modern approaches in line with developments and new discoveries in the areas of individual, team and organisational performance. In addition, some of the typical questions asked in interviews do not have much relevance; they are not related at all to what drives human performance in their performance. I mean, questions like "Tell me about youself!" and "What are your strengths?" -they are completely useless and provide no indication at all about the person's suitability and potential for a job. In many positions that are not technical or practical or STEM; trying to assess how well a person will perform using knowledge-based academic qualifications is not as smart as it appears to be because knowledge is only one ingredient for real world performance and not even the most important ingredient. Even experience can be misleading and even dangerous; it has its own limits and in some case severe limits that can lead to the recruitment of the wrong person.

Many interview questions are now too routine and too known and anyone smart enough can study them and prepare excellent answers for them even if the person maynot be suitable for the job. Convincing interviewers to higher someone is one thing and one can achieve that convincing even when the person is not suitable for the position. It happens many times.

The quality questions we ask in an interview determines the quality of candidates we select. We cannot expect to get high quality position candidates from asking poor, irrelevant or wrong questions. The following questions may help improve recruitment.

Some Questions

1.??????What are your top five vices?

2.??????What do you think about yourself?

3.??????What do you know about yourself?

4.??????Rating yourself out 10, with 10 being very humble, how humble are you?

5.??????Rating yourself out of 10, with 10 being very arrogant, how arrogant are you?

6.??????What do you know about the position you are applying for?

7.??????What do you think about yourself in relation to the position that you are applying for?

8.??????What do you known about yourself in relation the position you are applying for?

9.??????What do you think about the organisation that you want to join?

10.??How long do you intent to stay in this organisation if you get the job?

11.??What do you think are the universal key result areas of your post?

12.??What do you think about being high performance in this post?

13.??What do you think about yourself in terms of high performance in this job or position

14.??Compared to your best possible performance, what is your current performance?

15.??How do you solve significant to very difficult problems

16.???How do your measure your success in your role?

17.??Where do you get most of your solutions

18.??What specifically do you promise to achieve in your first five years in this organisation?

19.??How specifically will achieve what you have promised to achieve?

20.??What are top 10 skills, starting with your best?

21.??What are your top seven talents starting with your best?

22.??What do you think about performance?

23.??What do you think about your performance?

24.??What do you thinking about strategy?

25.??What do you know about strategy?

26.??What do you think about leadership?

27.??What do you know about yourself in terms of leadership?

28.??What do you think about followership?

29.??What do you have that will make you extremely success here in your job?

30.??What do you know that will make you extremely successful here in your job?

31.??What are you that will make you extremely successful here in your job?

32.??What will you do that will make you a high achiever here in your job?

33.??What do you feel is your mission here?

34.??What is your personal vision in relation to your position here?

35.??What are your top seven values in order of their importance?

36.??What do you know about your position?


?Simon Bere, 2022


Eng. Simon Mandhlaenkosi Bere (M.Sc.)的更多文章

