Spring Boot is a widely-used framework for developing applications in Java. It provides a fast and efficient way to set up and run a new project, with many convenient features such as automatic configuration and simplified dependencies management. When preparing for a job interview for a position involving Spring Boot, it is important to be familiar with the common questions that may be asked. In this article, we will provide 35 frequently asked interview questions on Spring Boot to help you prepare for your interview.
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The questions cover a wide range of topics, including the key components and features of Spring Boot, the difference between Spring and Spring Boot, annotations and configurations, testing, customizing the application, and integrating with other technologies.
Here are 35 frequently asked Spring Boot interview questions:
- What is Spring Boot?
- What is the advantage of using Spring Boot?
- What are the key components of Spring Boot?
- What is the difference between Spring and Spring Boot?
- What is the Spring Initializer?
- What is the purpose of the @SpringBootApplication annotation?
- What is the difference between @Configuration and @SpringBootConfiguration?
- What is the difference between @Component and @Service?
- What is the purpose of the @Autowired annotation?
- What is the difference between @ComponentScan and @SpringBootApplication?
- What is the purpose of the @Bean annotation?
- What is the purpose of the @Value annotation?
- What is the difference between @Controller and @RestController in Spring Boot?
- What is the difference between @Repository and @Service in Spring Boot?
- What is the purpose of the @Primary annotation in Spring Boot?
- What is the difference between @Qualifier and @Primary in Spring Boot?
- What is the purpose of the @Profile annotation in Spring Boot?
- What is the difference between @Async and @Scheduled in Spring Boot?
- What is the purpose of the @Import annotation in Spring Boot?
- What is the difference between @Import and @ComponentScan in Spring Boot?
- What is the difference between @SpringBootApplication and @EnableAutoConfiguration in Spring Boot?
- What is the purpose of the @ConditionalOnXXX annotations in Spring Boot?
- What is the difference between @EnableWebMvc and @SpringBootApplication in a Spring Boot web application?
- What is the purpose of the @SpringBootTest annotation in Spring Boot?
- What is the difference between @MockBean and @Mock in Spring Boot?
- What is the purpose of the @DataJpaTest annotation in Spring Boot?
- What is the purpose of the @TestPropertySource annotation in Spring Boot?
- What is the purpose of the @TestConfiguration annotation in Spring Boot?
- What is the difference between @Test and @SpringBootTest in Spring Boot?
- How can you customize the banner in a Spring Boot application?
- How can you customize the log level in a Spring Boot application?
- How can you externalize configuration in a Spring Boot application?
- How can you create a REST API using Spring Boot?
- How can you implement security in a Spring Boot application?
- How can you integrate with a database using Spring Boot?
In conclusion, the 35 Spring Boot interview questions discussed in this article provide a comprehensive overview of the key concepts and features of the framework. By preparing answers to these questions, you will be able to demonstrate your knowledge of Spring Boot and your ability to use it to build applications efficiently.
Whether you are an experienced developer or just starting out, these questions will help you to showcase your skills and impress the interviewer. Remember, while technical knowledge is important, it's also crucial to communicate your ideas clearly and confidently. Good luck with your interview!