347/365 WHEN S.H.T.F.
When Sh’t hits the fan, a figure of speech on a situation moves from difficult to:? “what the hell is going on!? ”You can fight or flight. Both primal instincts underneath the complexity of the details. Indeed, who has time to freeze when sh'ts (figurative ones) are flying all over the place?
You can run as fast as you can, leave that place and someone will clean up for you. But what if no one comes? Now you’ve surrendered that place, that position, and that aspiration. When S.H.T.F., do what you’ve been prepared for in the worst-case scenario.
Get in there, fight your way into that position, and turn that fan off. And when it's off, delay your blame; just get every able person to help clean up the mess. Even if you’re sick to your stomach, just contain the situation. Then learn the cause and effect; don't let it happen again.
There will be days like these with an unforeseen magnitude of mess. Those in shock lived their lives in candy land, in denial and pampered. On the other hand, those who gravitate toward conflict will find more than they look for. Whatever it is, have a mindset ready when SHTF.
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