344 Toasting Triumphs: Reflecting on A Year of Water Wisdom
R. Trace Blackmore CWT, LEED AP, Master Facilitator, Keynote Speaker
Owner, Blackmore Enterprises, Industrial Water Treatment Expert, Weekly host of the Scaling UP! H2O Podcast, Keynote Speaker
Listen to today's episode at scalinguph2o.com/344 or tune in wherever you get your podcasts.
As we bid farewell to 2023, let’s come together for a joyful celebration on the Scaling UP! H2O podcast with your host, Trace Blackmore, in this special year-end episode, “Toasting Triumphs.” Take a deep dive into the ocean of water treatment wisdom and growth that characterized the past year.
In this episode, we unravel the highlights, explore your favorite episodes, the invaluable lessons learned, and extend heartfelt gratitude to our exceptional listeners, the generous podcast guests, the CWT graduates thirsting for growth, and every remarkable personal milestone achieved throughout 2023 – a year truly worth celebrating.
Embark on this journey of reflection, appreciation, and insight, delving into the fascinating world of water treatment! Join us as we clink glasses to the triumphs and lessons of the past year, paving the way for an even more enriching 2024. Cheers to the shared passion for knowledge and growth in the best industry in the world, water treatment!
1:00 – Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
3:00 – Thank you to Mike Standish, our Sponsors, and James McDonald
7:50 – Sneak peek of James McDonald’s 2023 podcast episodes
9:00 – Celebrating our most popular episodes
15:00 – Submit a show idea for Legionella Month
18:30 – Launching the Scaling UP! H2O Academy and the CWT Prep Course
23:00 – Thank you to new CWTs in 2023
24:00 – Take advantage of our Events page
27:00 – Trace’s Personal Achievements and Milestones
42:00 – Encounters with Influential Individuals: Jane Kucera, Andy Stanley, Kathleen Edelman
52:00 – Upcoming Events for Water Treatment Professionals
57:21 – Periodic Water Table With James McDonald
Periodic Water Table With James McDonald # 51
Why and how is cobalt used in industry water treatment? What products do you use with cobalt in them? Can cobalt ever precipitate out of solution and cause problems? Under what conditions can this happen? Can cobalt in a product become a foulant or degradation catalyst for an RO membrane if used??
Periodic Water Table With James McDonald # 52
With everything happening during Industrial Water Week on the podcast, we didn’t have room for that week’s edition, but don’t worry, because the 52nd and last Periodic Water Table with James topic is none other than…?
Water or H2O or dihydrogen monoxide or even oxidane, the IUPAC-compliant name for water. There are many names for water. It has inspired art, poetry, music, architecture, comics, inventions, love, and more. It has helped both create and destroy civilizations. It is at the very heart of what you and I do every day as we practice the noble profession of industrial water treatment. It is water. How much do you know about water though? Why is water a liquid at room temperature when other molecules of similar or even heavier molecular weights are gasses? How does its density change with temperature? How conductive is pure water? Is water a stable molecule or does it ever disassociate? Have you taken out a steam table lately and looked at the trends as pressures and temperatures change? Take this opportunity to dig in and learn more about water…drop by drop.
Our listener’s favorite 2023 episodes:?
Links Mentioned
Andy Stanley – the best motivational speaker of our generation
Alton Brown –? influencer in my style of podcast shows
Kathleen Edelman – using kind words
Scaling UP! H2O Academy video courses
Take Special Pathogen’s Lab 3-day training and get certified to the ASSE/IAPMO/ANSI 12080 Standard: Professional Qualifications Standard for Legionella Water Safety and Management Personnel?
Episodes Mentioned
Ep 179 with Kathleen Edelman – Communicate Better with Others
Ep 281 with Kathleen Edelman – Power of Kindness
Ep 292 Scott Wozniak? – Customer Experience Engine
Ep 295 with Jeff Garratt, part 1 – Keep Employees Happy
Ep 296 with Jeff Garratt, part 2 – Lead a Successful Multigenerational Company
Ep 310 with Louis Godbout and Simina Alungulesa – Carryover
Ep 322 with Brent Baird – Flow Meters
Ep 324 with Chelsea Farmer – Career Possibilities in Industrial Water Treatment
Ep 339 with Jane Kuchera – Reverse Osmosis
Books Mentioned
Beyond Band of Brothers: The War Memoirs of Major Dick Winters by Dick Winters
Band of Brothers – 2001 Miniseries
I Said This, You Heard That by Kathleen Edelman
I Said This, You Heard That (2nd Edition) – Kathleen Edelman
Connect with Scaling UP! H2O
Email Producer: [email protected]
Submit a show idea: Submit a Show Idea
LinkedIn: in/traceblackmore/
YouTube: @ScalingUpH2O
2024 Events for Water Professionals
Check out our Scaling UP! H2O Events Calendar where we’ve listed every event Water Treaters should be aware of by clicking HERE or using the dropdown menu.