34 Life Lessons

34 Life Lessons

4 days ago, I turned 34 and it took me these 4 days to write this post as an exercise to just see what comes out. I would love for you to comment once you've read them!

1. You have more potential than you will ever know and exploring that potential is one of life's greatest joys.

2. Being outside is an anti-depressant. Set a timer to watch the sunsets.

3. You can make friends that can heal all your family trauma and then some.

4. With that said, adopt people.

5. It's okay to like things other people think are silly, stupid, vain, cringey, ugly, etc. as long as you're not hurting anybody.

6. 'Growing up is one of the greatest conspiracies.

7. People you think would protect you, would lie on, cheat on, steal from, and kill you. Develop a relationship with your gut. God gave us discernment. Use it and you'll be alright.

8. Nothing means anything unless you believe it yourself. You give power to everything around you... and you can take it away, too.

9. An apple a day keeps the doctor away because it makes you poop.

10. You want a beach body? Go to the beach more often. You want to look better naked? Be naked more often. Even I have to remember to live a more physical life. Part of feeling good in your body is spending meaningful time with it.

11. Nothing is rizzier than knowing yourself.

12. Plants are pals.

13. Take every leg up you're given, big and small, don't feel bad and appreciate it.

14. If you want something, don't even stop to think about what people think, just keep going until you get it.

15. God can do the impossible, so don't give up on shit because of your human doubts.

16. Abuse is never excusable. If you want a happy life, get rid of that energy siphon NOW.

17. Don't carry shame because someone abused YOU.

18. Enforcing your boundaries is one of the best ways you can exercise your personal power.

19. You don't owe anyone but the children you bring into the world.

20. Children ARE our future. Everyone seems to have forgotten that.

21. When you become an adult, you become your own teacher... and you will have to teach yourself a lot.

22. “There's 100 ways to skin a cat”

23. Read at least one book about choosing a partner wisely.

24. Ancestry is important and you don't need much to access it. We are related to everyone behind us.

25. You don't have to homeschool but learn from and teach your kids as much as you can while they're in your home.

26. If you're going to do something “bad”, at least really enjoy it.

27. That said, addictions are very, very hard to break... so don't beat yourself up every time you relapse to the point you won't try again.

28. I didn't understand tithing until it was explained like giving to where you have been given. It's like a spiritual investment and that makes sense to me. If you aint giving, you aint living.

29. Imperfections are cute. Accept them.

30. Need a purpose? Pick one. Pick one for the day. Pick one for the year. It doesn't have to be that profound.

31. Your health and quality of life is in no one's hands but your own. Doctors can't and won't 99.9% of the time or until it's too late.

32. Even if you're jaded, you will come right back around to 'love is all that matters', cause it is.

33. Over 30 is like its own 2nd puberty.

34. So much pressure on the last one... back to the purpose thing... pick something that matters to you and do something that will make a difference around it. As long as there are a million problems here, you have a reason to exist. Even if you just change this one problem for one person every year, you are heroic.

Love you, go do something that matters or makes you happy!


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