\ #34 in "Letters from Winnie" Series /
Winnie Czulinski
Writer ~ Journalist ~ Ghostwriter ~ Editor -> Publishing-PR Pro -> Bringing Your Stories to Life!
LIn no particular order – the 34th piece reflecting correspondence-advice to potential diverse, book-related clients over the years. Often I spent many hours responding.
(I have reproduced no clients' emails to?me?– and have removed all identifying factors from my own letters to them; also, some letters are composites)
2016 Letter from Winnie
"Hi Again ______,
"...A controversial subject you have here! As it's been such a major part of your life, I have no doubt you have a lot of material, experiences and anecdotes, for this potential exposé of a book.
"If you're feeling overwhelmed, it can help to start with an outline, or even just bits and pieces from all the years. You may find a kind of theme and cohesion taking place – or simply the satisfaction of beginning to get down lots of stuff. Then you have all that to use later, when the time is right – and the perspective that waiting and time bring to things may help create a stronger, clearer manuscript.
Always good, too, to see how authors have handled similar material – i.e., you can research books re: this particular "iffy" industry and inclination. Your own personal story within it is key to connecting with a readership, even if most of them might think 'Oh, I would never do that!'
But things like temptation, moral and ethical struggles, the lure of high living, concealing one's identity or downfall etc., are all very real human dilemmas. And inspiration can come from many places.
One also can look at movies on this general subject, and how it's been handled. You might identify with a gritty documentary or a more glitzy, glossy story approach – or something in-between, with a bit of both.
Another way to approach this project is with you giving me snippets and bits and pieces from over all the years, to work with and develop (and my being an "outsider" can be an advantage, as my particular perspective can help connect with a larger potential readership). Then you can refine and correct the sections I develop.
Speaking of "story" – there's another approach you might consider (though in a way it's much more work) – creating a fictional account, a novel, a story peopled with characters you create (being careful not to base any characters too closely on real people).
It can be a great, creative way to write about a world you know, with the "distance" given by doing it fictionally.
You also might consider the idea of a potential film – though that has its own challenges, in hiring a professional screenwriter, and trying to interest a production company, that then has to get investors and support, etc.
Happy to further discuss and to help you begin to pull everything together and get it down on paper/computer. I think, too, you may find that the particular best approach (serious documentary or humorous treatment or fictional story or something in-between) for this project may gradually make itself known.
And it's probably a good idea to get a bit of legal advice in handling this subject...
Also, try questioning yourself –?why?you want to do this project, and what significance it has for you – e.g., perhaps to enlighten people about this industry, or to correct misconceptions/ stereotypes...or experience a catharsis...or pay tribute to the people you have known in it...or to create an exciting and dramatic read...or to show "it's just business"... .etc.
Be sure you really do want to create something that might live forever in publishing and on the internet, and can take on a life of its own. That might be sometimes good, sometimes bad?– but is part of the reality of publishing today! Be prepared to live with your book forever after, and with any fallout it may cause.
You can try looking at actually pursuing publication in a few years...but in the meantime (and with or without me) you can begin to put some material together now. It's true, that good books sometimes do take years to come together!
At other times, the process may seem to happen almost independently of us; it simply comes pouring out. I had that experience with one author. Initially I was to be more a ghostwriter for him, but ended up being more of a guide and consultant.
"In any case, if we arrange to have another discussion, we can look at that as the beginning of our established work relationship, and I'll carve out a payment schedule, for consultation-and-beyond. Thanks again for telling me about your controversial story!"