33 Tools For Your Extra-Sensory Toolbox
Being a natural intuitive doesn't mean that my extra-sensory abilities are "on" and in full force all the time. Because I have been aware of my "sixth sense" since early childhood, I often took it for granted, allowing the signs to come and go as they pleased without control. Fine tuning these strengths have proven to be advantageous, helpful to others, and joyful to my soul. The most difficult work in developing extra-sensory abilities may surprise you in the simplicity of the best practices I have found to further them. If you'd like to enhance your perception and psychic awareness, here are thirty-three tools to apply:
1. Know your why. Why do you desire to develop extra sensory abilities? An intention to be embodied with your highest guidance and divine source may increase your abilities much faster.
2. Don't hate to meditate. Experienced mediators cherish their time sitting in silence. (To read more on Vipassana meditation techniques, click the following link: Vipassana Insight Meditation)
3. Process your psychological crap. Where are you wounded and what wounds needs to be integrated and transformed? It's easier to sense the subtleties when we clear out interfering baggage.
4. Consciously contemplate. Schedule regular time to reflect and hold dialogue with your inner guidance. For more formality in this, honor guidance in sacred ceremony in the Native American tradition.
5. Apply aromatherapy. Try essential oils for multiple purposes, including syncing up your energetic field to a harmonic frequency.
6. Collect crystals. Crystals placed in your home or on your person can create entertainment through their individual energetic frequency.
7. Work with tarot, angel, or oracle cards. Specific divination cards use symbols and our subconscious to offer guidance.
8. Muscle test. Self muscle testing can provide clarification if your mind is doubting or you're uncertain. (for a video demonstration on how to do self muscle testing, click the following link: How to Self Muscle Test)
9. Study current science. Understanding the scientific basis of energy, matter and quantum entanglement may help your mind in understanding an otherwise seemingly random, possibly kooky, process of E.S.P.
10. Listen.
11. Binuaral Beats. Varying, simultaneously heard tones are an easy way to change your brainwave state. We often function in a Beta frequency; binuaral beats can switch your brain's frequency into Alpha, Theta or Delta for various focused states of consciousness.
12. Focus from your heart space.
13. Recognize the divinity in others.
14. Spend time contemplating the complexity and wonder of it's co, patterns, and miraculous existence.
15. Discern. Recognize the subtle differences of varying emotional states; appreciation vs. joy, frustration vs. overwhelm, etc.
16. Notice the symbolic messages of your dreams.
17. Notice synchronicity.
18. Trust your inner guidance.
19. Bless water. Water holds memory; try placing loving energy into your water before drinking.
"Each Breath is Sacred."
21. Laugh often.
22. Feng Shui. Sense the energy in the environment which you spend the most time in, add or subtract elements as needed, and clear clutter!
23. Exercise.
24. Ask. With appreciation and knowing, ask (the universe, spirit, your divine guidance, God, source energy) for enhanced sensory perception.
25. Observe. Become aware of your body's internal systems through visualization with your mind's eye.
26. Express daily gratitude.
27. Smudge. Clear any existing, unwanted energetic debris from your person and your space with this Native American practice using sage.
28. Learn your astrological natal chart.
29. Learn the vibration of numbers.
30. Enjoy and delight in physical experiences.
31. Practice mindfulness, (for mindfulness exercises read the following link: Mindfulness Matters).
32. Hire a coach or an intuitive advisor to develop your skills further.
33. Love yourself. Be gentle, kind, compassionate and loving to yourself and others.