33.  The Fourth Measure for Fitness

33. The Fourth Measure for Fitness

The previous article showed how the Contagion doesn’t change. It’s the Adaptation of the Node that changes.

This section has been focusing on the single thing that would have helped Dr. Barabasi and Dr. Centola lead us towards a healthier future: Fitness. Both stated it is the crucial characteristic that drives the health of a Network AND we have shown this month both are unable to define it!

This section has covered three of the four measures for Fitness.

1. Uniqueness: When it comes to people, we all have a WHY and a HOW. The WHY is the effect you want others to experience. The HOW is how you go about achieving the WHY. There are seven possible options for each.

2. Adaptation: The Thought Process of the individual in the moment is referred to as their “Adaptation”, where they have moved their Thought Process in order to adapt to their context.?There are four.

3. Information: When we apply our Thought Process measures to the object (Contagion) spread through the Links, we instantly get clarity!

In order to understand the final measure for Fitness, I would like to demonstrate it with the final two articles of this section.

Take out a small piece of paper and write down your answer to the following question:

What would you need to do or have in order to be happy?

After you write it down, you can tear it up and throw it away. However it won’t change the fact that your answer to this question is the most intimate sharing you will ever do. Why?

Your unconscious brain knows what would make you happy according to your Uniqueness. However, it does not know what you consciously think will make you happy.

When you write it down, your unconscious now knows what you consciously believe will make you happy. This sharing is now occurring with all of you, which is the height of intimacy.

Be careful!

If you write something different from your actual behavior, your unconscious is going to sink you! It will depress your energy until you resolve the contradiction.

For example, if you write that you don’t need to do or have anything to be happy, then every time you aren’t happy, your unconscious is going to drain you.

Another example, if you write that you don’t need money to make you happy, then every time you stress about money or make money a priority over other things, your unconscious is going to make you feel extremely uncomfortable.

Take your time answering this question before going to the next article to look at the four possible answers you can give in order to understand the final measure for Fitness.

Next Article: 34. Fitness: Habituation

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