33 Essential Website Elements Every Business Website Must Include

33 Essential Website Elements Every Business Website Must Include

This post was originally published on PixoLabo

You Need These Essential Website Elements!

In 2020 having a business website is a bare necessity, much like having a phone or a computer. Even if you have a physical location or are a well-established brand already, people are looking for your business right now! And to attract, engage, and convert them, you need to have all of these essential website elements.

Of course, the first thing you need is a business website or e-commerce store. According to a recent survey, almost half of all small businesses did not have a website in 2019! Even more alarming, over 25% have no intention of getting a website at all! Also, 17% of all small business websites are not mobile-friendly, and over half of the existing business websites are missing out on one or more essential website elements.


In 2019, 40% of small businesses still did not have a website, and 28% say they likely won't in the future. Visual Objects


Most business owners we talk to here at PixoLabo know what they would like their business website to do for them and their business. They just don't know how and where to get started. To keep it simple, here is a list of essential website elements you must have.

None of our essential website elements require expensive solutions or setups. You can easily handle most of this yourself. A few, such as adding a contact form or newsletter opt-in, may need the help of your web developer. If you are getting a new business website, be sure to include all of these essential website elements.


Essential Website Elements by Category


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The Basics

1 – Unique and Simple Website Address (URL)

The first of our essential website elements is a valid domain. Unless you are an organization or educational institution, you really must get a .com domain. I know others are trendy these days. But a .net or .biz website URL just doesn't have the same SEO benefits and air of professionalism.

You might have to play around a little, but try to include your business name and product or service. Your business location can also help. Keep it as short as possible, but try not to abbreviate. Avoid any "kute" or different spellings and any special characters. Most people will get those wrong in any case, and end up at your competitor. And be sure to register your domain with a reputable domain registrar like GoDaddy.

And you may want to look into getting a Secure Socket Layer (SSL) Certificate while you are at it. Already essential for e-commerce sites, an SSL certificate will become a Google requirement for page rank as well. Why not be ahead of the curve for a change?

2 – Paid, Professional Hosting

Don’t go cheap or free with your small business website hosting. No WordPress.org sites, no Wix or Weebly, no hosted solutions, no sites laden with unrelated advertising, or slowed down by sharing the server with 10,000 other sites. Fast, reliable hosting is a crucial small business website essential.

You can learn more about different options for small business website hosting here. Depending on your specific needs, you will end up paying between $ 15.00 to $ 100.00+ a month, but your site will run better!

3 – Fast Page Load Speed

A slow site annoys users and makes people want to leave. Make sure all your pages download within three seconds, maximum, and ideally have it load in under two seconds. Use a service like Google Page Speed Insights, GTMetrix, or Pingdom to help you determine your page load speed. Nice bonus; all of these identify bottlenecks and how to remove them as well.


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4 – Mobile-First Design

Mobile-first design is another one of our critical essential website elements. In 2020, having a mobile-first website is vital if you want to meet the expectations of sophisticated mobile consumers. You simply must provide the best possible mobile user experience! Otherwise, your target audience will most likely abandon your site in favor of your competitors.


48% of mobile website visitors who visit a website that is not mobile-friendly believed that the establishment just didn’t care about their business! Google


Mobile-first means using "responsive" design – a design that adjusts itself nicely to different screen sizes. It also means using a typeface that's large enough for older viewers to read, and that has good contrast against the background. There are other considerations for a responsive design that may require the help of a professional web designer

And here is another reason why having a mobile-first website is one of our critical essential website elements. Over the past few years, Google has steadily updated its mobile-first algorithm. Since 2018 Google uses a mobile-first approach to rank websites.

5 – Your Brand Logo

Often overlooked, your brand logo is another one of our essential website elements! If you don’t have a brand logo, it’s high time to get one. Be sure to avoid cheap alternatives like Fiverr or 99 Designs; they will not be able to create the unique logo your business deserves. And don't merely use existing clip art, or (gasp!) copy someone else's logo!

Instead, consider this an essential investment in your business and hire a professional brand designer. Find out more about the elements of an effective brand logo, and learn more about logo design trends for 2020 you may want to keep in mind.

Ensure your logo is in the top left or center of your header. This placement is where users look first when they visit your page and where they expect to see your logo. By placing your logo where it's supposed to be, you can establish immediate trust and gain instant brand recognition before the user's journey continues.

You should also make sure your website logo links to your home page. That has been a common practice long enough to make it standard. If your logo doesn't connect, then it may well appear broken. There is another benefit; it gives you more room in your navigation menu.

6 – Consistent Design and Navigation

While it may seem like a good idea to liven up your website by changing up the design of your pages, it isn't. Inconsistent design and inconsistent navigation menus are incredibly irritating to online visitors. Be sure to keep all significant design elements of your small business website consistent. That includes your header, menu, main page layout, and footer.

7 – A Readable Page Font

Yes, I know there are about one gazillion web fonts available. But that doesn't mean you should use all or even many of them! Stay with a font or fonts that are simple and easy to read. Sans serif fonts tend to work better than serif or especially handwritten fonts. That is especially true for mobile devices. Keep the font size to at least 14px, and ensure sufficient contrast between text and background.

8 – Avoid Distractions

As part of our essential website elements, I should point out that more is less when it comes to annoying distractions on your website. The primary purpose of your small business website is to attract visitors, tell them about your excellent products and services, and convert them into consumers. So why would you want to distract them from that? I know they are mistakenly popular, but pop-ups and other forms of advertising have no place on a small business website!

9 – A Page Footer

Many small business websites somehow overlook the page footer. Most businesses simply list copyright and potentially privacy policy info. But page footers are valuable website real estate. They can be used to very effectively display contact info, quick links, contact or sign-up forms, and even social media feeds.


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Business Info

10 – Business Phone Number

Your phone number is possibly the single most important of our essential website elements! After your company name and what you do, your business phone number is often the most-wanted piece of information. Yet many small business websites either don't have the phone number at all or hidden on some subpage. No wonder your phone doesn't ring!

Be sure to include your business phone number prominently. At the top and bottom of every page on your business website is ideal. But if not include it in the footer of every page, and prominently list it on your contact page as well. 

11 – An Email Address

Some people will prefer to email you, so be sure to list your business email prominently. You do not need to use your email address. A simple hello@ or info@ email is perfect. But no free email addresses such as [email protected], please. Get an email that matches your website domain address. G Suite for Business Solutions is an excellent alternative if your hosting service does not provide email service. 

12 – Business Address 

There are two reasons why your business address is one of our essential website elements. The first is that your website is there to attract traffic to your business, including foot traffic. That works so much better if people know where to go!

The second is transparency. If you are a legit business, your potential and existing customers have a right to know where you are, even if they don't plan to visit you. By listing your actual business address, or at least a PO Box mailing address. Here is a tip: Using a UPS Store near you gives you a real street address for your business, and they sign for deliveries as well! 

13 – A Map of Your Location 

A map makes it easier for people to find you. It gives people context and lets them see your business location. Google Maps is simple to add to most business websites. For WordPress websites, there is even a great Google Maps Plugin

14 – Your Business Hours

If you are a local business, this is an essential piece of information. The hours belong at the top and bottom of every page on your site. Be sure to update the hours for special events, promotions, or holidays. And confirm your business hours match across all your online listings!

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15 – An “About Us” Page

People will want to know that you are a real business and not some shady operation. So give them enough information to identify, like, and trust you. That includes a little about the company and why you do what you do at a minimum. Include some additional info about your team if you can. And don't forget a few images of your business, team members, and even your happy customers.

16 – Your Story

Every business has a story behind it. What made you go into business, why you are in the company you are in, even your business name and location are all of interest to your potential clients. If your story is something that relates to your target consumers, they are much more likely to become paying customers. Remember, all of us love a great story!

17 – A Page for Each Service You Offer

People come to your site to check out your business. They want to know if you can help them. So explain to them, in detail, how you can help them. Include tons of photos. And since Google allows only one focus keyword per page, be sure to have a separate page for each service you offer. Make sure to include between 300 - 500 words and an appropriate image if you want Google to love you!

18 – A Page for Each Product You Sell

Your website visitors will want to see if you offer the products they are looking for before they decide to come to your store. So be sure to provide them with detailed product info, including a variety of different product views. Include photos of people using your products, if possible. And remember the content minimum from above!

19 – Privacy Policy and Terms of Service

It's common to include links to your privacy policy terms & conditions & legal disclaimers. A privacy policy instills trust in a visitor by making the information easy to find. A common practice is to place these links in the footer of each page, but any prominent location will work. Not having such a policy may raise eyebrows and other warning signs for potential customers. It is a requirement for using Google AdWords.

Don't want to pay for a lawyer? No problem, use this free privacy policy generator instead. It's better than not having a privacy policy at all! Ultimately your best privacy policy is one drawn up by your lawyer specifically for your business. 

20 – Photographs of Your Work

People will want to see what exactly you do. Even if you don't sell a product, it is essential to show pictures of your work. You know how "a picture is worth a thousand words," right? It applies to your business website, too. Before and after pictures are especially interesting. Adding a few images makes people far more likely to do business with you.

If you offer creative services having a portfolio page is an excellent way to showcase your work. Be sure to include as many project details and images as possible. Once again, extra points if your project titles, content, and image alt tags include your focus keyword or phrase.

21 – Photographs of Your Business

Photographs of your business are another way to make it easier for people to find you by helping them identify your business. Plus, it is another demonstration that you're a real business. Adding a photo of your business storefront or entrance also helps with marketing. If your storefront or your business address looks friendly and inviting, people are more likely to want to do business with you. 

A quick note here: You will need the best possible images for your online visitors to have the experience they deserve. Low-light and out-of-focus snapshots from your cell phone just won't do it, sorry! If you are unable to take high-quality images yourself, you really should hire a professional photographer. Even a one day shoot can provide you with enough photos for your website and digital marketing for up to a year.

22 – A FAQs Page

A Frequently Asked Questions page is a great way to provide additional information and start conversations with your online audience. Mix it up a little and include a variety of questions and answers. In addition to those detailing your methods and policies, be sure to include some quirky little details.

23 – Testimonials and Reviews

People often don't believe what we say about ourselves. But they do trust what other people say about us. Even if you've got just one testimonial, put it up on your site. It will get you more business, and hopefully more testimonials. If you only have a few testimonials, scatter them around your site. If you have more than six, you can place them on a separate testimonials page.

24 – Professional Logos and Affiliations

Are you a member of your local Chamber of Commerce or other business association? Are you reviewed on Angie’s List? Perhaps you need professional accreditation in your line of work. Whatever it is, include any credentials, associations, or certifications you have. Use the logo images of these verifications and link back to their sites. It all helps you appear a trusted professional!


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25 – Unique Product Descriptions

If you sell products on your website, be sure to include a detailed and unique product description for each. Include info such as size, weight, dimensions, available options, colors, and sizes, and show appropriate product images. Make sure the product descriptions and image alt tags contain the product keyword or phrase for maximum SEO mojo.

26 – Product Reviews

If you sell products on your website or in your store, you should include at least a few product reviews. No matter what you say about your products, most people want to hear what other people have to say. By allowing and including product reviews on your site, you satisfy that need and add a layer of transparency at the same time.

27 – Your Exchange and Return Policy

If you sell products on your website or in your store, this is one of the most critical essential website elements. Telling potential consumers right up front how you deal with exchanges and returns can often be a deciding factor. Don't turn business away; develop and display a transparent product exchange and return policy instead.


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28 – A Call-to-Action (CTA)

Your CTA is where you stop giving information and ask for their business. Your website needs one focused call to action, whether this is "Come visit our store," or "Make a reservation," or just "Contact us." Linking your CTA to a basic contact form is very useful, as is a newsletter sign-up form. Place your call to action either in the header area or in the navigation menu. Make it stand out by using colors, icons, or graphics to focus attention.

29 – A Contact Form

A basic contact form is another of our essential website elements. Some visitors may not feel like calling your business. Providing them with an alternative option, such as a simple contact form, is an excellent way to encourage them. Keep in mind that the more info required, the less likely they are to provide, so keep your forms simple. Adding CAPTCHA functionality will significantly reduce the amount of spam you will receive.

30 – An Email Sign-Up Form

Email marketing is one of the most practical small business marketing tactics around. Studies show that about 45% - 60% of small businesses use email marketing as part of their digital marketing strategy.

You can get started with a free MailChimp account and grow your list from there. If you require more extensive services or have a bigger email list, you may want to consider Constant Contact. Adding an opt-in form to your business website should not take your web designer more than an hour.

31 – Links to Your Social Profiles

Some small business owners overlook the importance of social media. They should know that 76% of customers expect a business to have at least a Facebook page. Being on Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, Vimeo, Pinterest, and Instagram is even better. So be sure that your small business has a presence on the same social media channels your consumers frequent.


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32 – Unique Title Tags

Title tags are pieces of HTML (the code that makes up your website pages.) These HTML title tags appear as the first row of information in the search engine results. Don’t be lazy and cut and paste! Every page on your site needs a unique title tag. The title tags should include words and phrases people might use if they were looking for that page. Use this free Meta Tag tool to see how your title tags will look.

33 – Meta Descriptions

These are almost exactly like title tags, except they create the two black lines of description copy in the search results. Think of these both as a way to describe your pages and almost like the sales copy. Meta Descriptions need to incite people to click. So try to make them as exciting as you can!


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Why You Need Essential Website Elements 

Our essential website elements may not contain everything that you’ll want for your business website or e-commerce store. But in most cases, they are more than enough to get you started. And they will make your website into a more user-friendly and informative online presence that provides actual business results. 

If you're the owner of a business without a useful business website, maybe you're not that concerned because you think most people don't search the web for your neighborhood stores. I urge you to reconsider: 97% of mobile consumers query online for products and services, preferably close to them. And if they don’t find your small business, they will simply go to a competitor.

Maybe you know people search online to get information about local businesses. Still, you think a website won't be relevant to your particular business. To be fair, that can be true. We have a few clients who don't need or even want to get more business through their website. Lucky for them, isn't it? But we only have one or two clients like that!


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The Importance of a Business Website

Most of the business owners we talk to said their business website was necessary for their ongoing business success. About two-thirds said their website was "essential," "very important,” or “important." Only about one in ten businesses indicated that their business website was not an immediate or significant concern. So everyone pretty much agrees on the importance of a business website. 

Unfortunately, having an ineffective business website is a common problem. Getting a website can sound expensive, complicated, and technical. Just figuring out what you want on your website can be daunting. But it is essential, especially for small business owners. You are already fighting more prominent brands. Why not tilt the odds in your favor a bit more? 

My business website essentials include links to applicable resources and additional information. Feel free to use those to start creating the business website you need. There are many other online and local resources available for businesses, brands, and product companies of all kinds. Check to see which ones are available in your local business community.

I realize that dealing with essential website elements may not be high on your priority list right now. Or maybe you are already working on a new or redesign of your business website. In either case, I encourage you to consider how these essential website elements can benefit your business website. Don't forget; this is not just about you; this is about your website visitors! If you have any further questions or concerns, I am here to help.


By Gregor Schmidt

Gregor is Co-Founder of PixoLabo, a multilingual WordPress web design studio based in Japan, and has over 25 years of experience in web, UX and information design. Gregor consults and mentors startups in Asia and the US, and is an adjunct professor of design and user experience, as well as a foreign language editor at the Tohoku University School of Medicine. He lives with his wife, an award-winning Japanese designer, and photographer, in Sendai, Japan. When he is not working, he enjoys writing, traveling, gardening, and sampling new street food. You can connect with Gregor on LinkedIn or Twitter



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