- Eat healthy: Stay away from junk and eat your vegetables and other raw, organic, and unprocessed foods. And don’t over eat!
- Exercise: Move your body rigorously – stretch and sweat.
- Drink plenty of water: Don’t allow yourself to be dehydrated.
- Practice unconditional love: Love without judgment or demands.
- Compliment others: Make someone feel special, and do this honestly.
- Cut back on alcohol and drugs: Try being sober for longer periods of time till you finally start doing without them.
- Practice self-care: Be gentle with yourself. take a break and relax.
- Practice positive affirmations: Say positive things to and about yourself.
- Meditate: Observe your thoughts but do not react – simply let them come and go – only observe.
- Practice yoga: Learn yoga to improve your wellbeing.
- Take a walk in nature: Walk barefoot and ground yourself.
- Play with animals: You can get a puppy or kitty to enjoy the health and mood-boosting benefits of pets.
- Practice mindfulness: Appreciate your immediate environment.
- Practice gratitude: Appreciate all the wonderful people and things in your life.
- Dance: Move your body to release happy hormones called endorphins.
- End toxic relationships: Toxic people are low frequency, remember?
- Say no to things that drain you: You have the right to say NO to things that you don’t find interesting or worth your time.
- Get enough sleep: Getting the right amount of sleep every night is vital for good physical and mental health.
- Read inspiring books: Reading empowers you and helps you grow as a person.
- Hug someone you care about: Show someone how much they mean to you through hugging.
- Make more positive friends: Just as toxic people are low frequency, you can get friends who are positive and high frequency – find them and make friends with them.
- Develop a sense of optimism: Look out for the best in people, things, and situations.
- Clean your environment: Declutter and tidy your environment.
- Smile at people: Smiling helps boost your immune system and helps fight off stress.
- Develop faith: Have the confidence to proceed even when you aren’t certain – have a sense of adventure, and believe (in a force greater than you).?
- Avoid gossips and slander: Only engage in conversations that uplift the reputation of others – never tear down others
- Start a project: Immerse yourself in an activity that you love and and see to it that you complete it.
- Listen to music: Inspiring and motivational music will help keep you going.
- Take responsibility for your actions: Own up to your mistakes, say sorry if you screw up and find ways to patch things up.
- Volunteer:?Offer support and raise awareness for a cause you believe in.
- Disconnect from the internet, and stay away from your smartphones: You can decide to block out a week for this, or simply follow a strict routine to avoid using any tech 3 hours before bed.
- Let go of your anger: Why? Because it is low vibrational and corrupts your inner peace.
Thanks for reading…till next time, good vibes only.??
source : Daily motivation