#315: The Little Book of Leadership Just Got Bigger and Better
Eric Garner
Author of 37 books on soft skills, founder of ManageTrainLearn and 6 e-learning websites, creator of 22,000+ e-learning resources, all free to access or download, owner of daily "People Skills" newsletter
In today's "People Skills" newsletter, we're looking at our second slice of "The Little Book of Leadership" from Phil Dourado of LeadershipHub, appropriately named "The Second Little Book of Leadership".
In our earlier newsletter a few weeks back when we brought you the first "little" book of leadership, (newsletter #258), this second (and the third that will follow), are game-changers for those who want to clarify their thinking about leadership.
If that's you, then you should do something right now about it.
Either watch this presentation below NOW and then download it, (it's FREE of course). Or pencil in some time later today and watch it at your leisure.
So, if you want to watch it now, let's go...
01. What Leaders Do (In Just Two Words)
Answer: Create Meaning
Leadership experts have spent the past decade or so coming slowly (and with far too many words) to this two-word conclusion about what leaders do in a fast-changing world.
02. How We Learn to Be Leaders
Leadership is viral, in a sense. We learn by ‘emulating’ or copying those we want to be like, often subconsciously, without realizing we are doing it. If you want people to behave a certain way, don’t tell them to do it. Model the way yourself. - Phil Dourado
03. They Know Who You Really Are!
“Who you are speaks so loudly, that I cannot hear what you say.” - Emerson
We tune out what people say if there is a dissonance - a discord - between what they say and what they do. So, you actually communicate as a leader by ‘doing’, not by ‘saying’. As Thomas Edison put it, “What you are will show in what you do.”
04. The Good Leader Is...
“A good leader is he* whom people revere. An evil leader is he whom people despise. A great leader is he of whom the people say ‘We did it ourselves’ ” - Lao Tsu * (Or ‘she’, of course)
A good leader inspires people to have confidence in their leader. A great leader inspires people to have confidence in themselves. (That’s usually attributed to Eleanor Roosevelt, but I’m pretty sure it’s originally from Lao Tsu; it’s just a different translation of the above quote).
05. The Good Leader Is... (Take 2)
“A good leader is a person who takes a little more than their share of the blame and a little less than their share of the credit.”- John Maxwell
06. The Leader's Four Most Important Words Are...
“What do you think?” - Tom Peters, the ‘uber-guru’ of management and leadership
So, what do you do with these four words?
Use them every day. Peters says keep count - he says he does it on a piece of paper that he keeps in his pocket - of how many times you use, ‘What do you think?’, every day. It is, he says, possibly your most powerful and least-used leadership tool. These four words turn leadership from a monologue, (you tell), to a dialog, (the people you work with contribute to leadership thinking and decisions).
07. Stop Taking Decisions; Start Making Things Happen
‘Too many managers mistake decisions for action. A decision is not the same as action. Use plans, analysis, meetings & presentations to INSPIRE deeds, not as a substitute for action.’ - Stanford Professor Robert Sutton
08. The Secret of High Performance
According to Mihaly Csíkszentmihályi, author of the book, "Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience", people perform to a higher level when they...
1. are faced with achievable challenge
2. receive regular feedback
3. are completely engaged by the task or overall purpose
By ‘flow’ the author means that state of being ‘in the zone’ that athletes describe or of work ‘flowing’, with time appearing to fly by and you feel totally engaged in the task or goal.
09. What Do Great Leaders Inspire?
Answer: Discretionary effort
Steve Nielsen, former director of the FedEx Leadership Institute puts it this way:
“Discretionary effort...is an employee’s desire to go beyond the collecting of a salary. It is a willingness to be interested and involved in assisting the organization in the accomplishment of corporate goals.”
10. From Me to We
Leadership is often described as a shift in thinking and focus from ‘me’ to ‘we’. If leaders fail, it is often because they have failed to make this shift in focus from producing results yourself to getting the best results from others.
11. Great Leaders KISS (Keep It Simple, Stupid)
“Great leaders are almost always great simplifiers, who can cut through argument, debate, and doubt to offer a solution everybody can understand.” - General Colin Powell
Simple is clever. Complicated just means you haven’t been clever enough to reduce ‘it’ to its essence. Whatever ‘it’ is. Too many organizations still assume the reverse – the more complicated something sounds, the more ‘clever’ it must be. And they are suspicious of ‘simple’, assuming it means ‘unsophisticated’. These are insecure organizations with insecure leaders. - Phil Dourado
12. Stop Telling People What To Do
William M. McKnight, founder of 3M, said:
“As our business grows, it becomes increasingly necessary to delegate responsibility and to encourage men and women to exercise their initiative. This requires considerable tolerance. Those men and women to whom we delegate authority and responsibility, if they are good people, are going to want to do their job in their own way. Mistakes will be made. But if a person is essentially right, the mistakes he or she makes are not as serious in the long run as the mistakes management will make if it undertakes to tell those in authority exactly how they must do their jobs.”
13. See the "Great" In People
“Treat people as if they are what they could be, and they will become what they are capable of being.” - Goethe
What Next?
If you have worked through each slide in this presentation, you will now have a great set of resources to understand the role and meaning of leadership.
This presentation can be a starting point or reminder.
But, remember, you're not on your own. We're here at Manage Train Learn to help you get better and better at managing yourself through challenging tasks.
With over 22,000 learning resources on our 6 websites, with 2 sites offering free downloads, you have all the resources you need to learn the essential skills in your job.
With regular daily practise, reflection, and review of MTL learning materials, you will be amazed at how quickly you can develop your skills.
Make daily learning a fixed appointment every day even with as little as 15 minutes browsing MTL topics each day. This, in turn, as you get more practised and skilled, will make you more confident in your job.
So, thank you for reading this "People Skills" newsletter and good luck with all your soft skills learning on Manage Train Learn!
Oh, and one last thing. Do what it says on the cover...
Pass it on.
You can download a full and FREE PowerPoint version of this topic, with the compliments of the Manage Train Learn team, by clicking the following link: https://www.biznizbooks.com/#/books/1615
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Eric Garner
Managing Director
KSA Training Ltd