#310: Why, As a Leader, You Should Commit to Living in Your Zone of Genius
Eric Garner
Author of 37 books on soft skills, founder of ManageTrainLearn and 6 e-learning websites, creator of 22,000+ e-learning resources, all free to access or download, owner of daily "People Skills" newsletter
Most of us, including those in leadership roles, don't think of themselves as geniuses. That's because they don't think of themselves as great inventers, thinkers, or artists. But, the word, "genius", in its original meaning, doesn't refer to what we do in our lives. It refers to what is inside us.
In this mini-course, you'll learn how, as a leader, you can commit yourself to living in your own zone of genius. And, it's much simpler than you probably think.
Commit to Living in Your Zone of Genius (adapted from The Conscious Leadership Group)
When we work with leaders and teams and organizations, it's often very common that people will say, what's my zone of genius? People love to know about themselves. They like to take assessments. They like to take surveys. They want to learn about themselves. They want to know, what is it that I do really well?
But, what we've discovered over the years is that this is a courageous commitment. Because when a leader decides to live in their zone of genius, they're deciding to move out of their zones of incompetence, competence, and excellence. They're going to change the way they invest their time and energy in the world and that will always feel risky.
Most of us have become incredibly successful living in our zone of excellence. Our zone of excellence is where we do things exceptionally well. We do them better than most people and, when we do, people respond. We get paid for them. We get promoted. This has been our go-to thing for much of our career. But it's not our zone of genius.
Many people spend time in their zone of competence. This is stuff that I do pretty well. I do it about as well as anybody else and it becomes a time filler. It's just like doing the government work of our lives and people get used to doing stuff in their zone of competence.
Some leaders are still spending time doing things they're incompetent at. They're not good at organizing their files, so they're still organizing their files. They're incompetent at hiring people, so they're still in the hiring process. They're incompetent at speaking, so they're still doing presentations. When you face up to this commitment, you have to ask yourself, Am I willing to be in my zone of genius?
So, What Is Genius?
That word turns some people off. They think that Beethoven was a genius. Or the Rolling Stones are genius. Genius just means "attendant spirit". It means that which has been in you all of your life. Your uniqueness. Genius is that thing that you do effortlessly and easily. And when you do it, you lose track of time. When you're in your zone of genius, you get a disproportionate return on the investment of energy expended.
Genius is that thing that you do that you'd do whether you got paid for it or not. But, whenever we think about the zone of genius, we think, could I really do that which I love so much?
What comes into our mind are all of our beliefs about what would happen if we devoted ourselves to our zone of genius. Beliefs like, we'd go broke. That's the starving artist who lives in their genius but goes broke. Or we think, if I really lived in my genius, I'd out- shine everybody around me and I'd have to live with the experience of people being jealous and resentful. Or we think, if I lived in my genius, it would just create a burden.
So, the question is, are you willing to live in your zone of genius and transition out of your zones of incompetence, competence, and excellence? This is a defining trait of conscious leaders.
What Next?
If you have worked through each step in this newsletter, you will now have a great set of materials to help you live in your zone of genius.
And, with this as your starting point, you can now move ahead by using the learning resources on Manage Train Learn to develop your knowledge and skills.
With over 22,000 learning resources on our 6 websites, with 2 sites offering free downloads, you can now take charge of your own learning.
Simply commit yourself each day to learning something new from MTL and then, - when you fully understand it, - reflect upon it, practise it, apply it, and review it, and in no time at all, you will have mastered the skill with confidence.
Thanks for reading this edition of the "People Skills" newsletter and good luck with your ongoing learning.
Oh, and one last thing.
In the spirit of making the world a freer, happier and more enlightened place...
...please pass this newsletter on.
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This sale comprises all 6 websites, over 22,000 soft skills learning items, and all 37 e-books which have earned over £1 million in global sales through our publishing partners.
We have been leaders in Soft Skills e-learning since the late 1990's and, today, there is unprecedented demand globally for "People Skills" learning and training.
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Eric Garner
Managing Director
KSA Training Ltd