#3/10 learnings from re-inventing workshops in times of Corona
Photo by Fallon Michael on Unsplash

#3/10 learnings from re-inventing workshops in times of Corona

Let’s forget about your own perspective for a moment - #3 of 10 of my essential "aha" moments is not about you and me but rather the potential buyer of this new type of learning activity:

It’s probably new for the client, too

Probably, you are a ?known brand” for your client – you might have delivered excellent seminars, workshops etc. for many years and your buyers trust you. But that was in the pre-Corona world where F2F setups were the rule for at least part of the learning journey.

Now, you are offering a pretty different product (hopefully, see #1 learning) and asking your buyer to take your word for it that you will be able to do the trick. (For those of you who are old enough to remember TV formats from the 80ies: Do you remember what happened every time after Sledge Hammer’s famous words “Trust me, I know what I am doing”?)

Be aware that you are proposing a product with a certain amount of uncertainty to a buyer who probably would rather not allow even more uncertainty into his/her professional life at this point in time. Will the new format work? Will participants be engaged and satisfied? Will the learning goals be achieved?

These questions will be in your buyer’s mind – so you’d better a) address them openly and b) provide as much reassurance as possible to your buyer (e.g. proactively sharing measures you take on your side to ensure success of the new format and by offering a small pilot to a friendly first group). The more time and brain you invest into your buyer’s ease of mind, the more likely you are to find him/her willing to come on board. 

One special note to ?sponsor guest appearances”: in many old world workshops/programs, a C-level executive delivered a motivational message to the participants at the beginning. This should of course still happen (live, not as a recorded message) – and it is essential that you as the facilitator turn this into a moment of success. Offer (and argue strongly in favour for) a dry run and triple check that there will not be any technical hick-ups. A positive and confident leader at the beginning of the live online learning session is a powerful opening towards a successful session. 

What are your experiences in this field? Looking forward to your comments!

Overview of all learnings:

#1/10: Blended is the key  

#2/10: The 120/5 rule   


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