31 Motivated Sellers Responded In 1.5 Hours

31 Motivated Sellers Responded In 1.5 Hours

Come work with me personally at my Two Day Virtual Buying Event.


>>> Our Next Buying Event Has Been Scheduled For:

February 22nd and 23rd, 2025 on Zoom


At this two day event I'm Going To Teach A Simple "Push-Button-Method" That Allowed Us To Contact 131 Home Sellers And Make An Offer On Their House... An Offer That Only A MOTIVATED Seller Would Accept...


... and do it with the PUSH OF A BUTTON!


At a recent past event, I stood in front of the class and it took me about 5 minutes to contact 131 Sellers. Then, within 1.5 hours from the time I pushed the button. We had 31 SELLERS Respond To Our Offer... OVER 20%!


Using this method, you don't have to cold call or knock on doors. You don't even have to answer the phone. Don't you hate it when those pesky motivated sellers are calling you all the time begging you to take their house with nothing down? lol


We didn't have to pay for expensive advertising or send costly snail mail. The whole process can be set up and implemented in about 20 minutes with free sources of motivated sellers that are easily found doing a search on Goggle and using my proprietary list building software.


Each of these simple little deals is worth an average of $4,000 to $20,000 and, as you may know by now... I teach NEVER to use cash for down payments and NEVER borrow money using your credit. Using these methods, no one will EVER look at your credit or income.


Everything I teach is based on NEVER using your cash or credit to buy a home.


Anyway... 31 Sellers responded to our offer. Do the math... how much will we make if we only close a small fraction of these deals.


That same day, later in the afternoon... just to "drive home" the lesson I was teaching, we contacted 51 more home sellers with a different "extremely easy," no-brainer, simple PUSH BUTTON method and got 12 more Motivated Sellers to respond to the offer by email and say... "Please take my house... I'll do it exactly the way you say."


We did all this and we NEVER picked up the phone.


On February 22nd and 23rd, 2025, for two FULL days, I'm going to get online with my students using Zoom and each of them are going to do this system with me... right from the comfort of their own homes. This isn't just a sit and watch seminar... this is a powerful, "hands on" workshop where you will actually be doing the things I teach... as I teach it.


I will teach you how to do it and then, each of you will break away and start making calls to live sellers. After that, you will come back and we will discuss what you learned, what the sellers said, how they responded and what you can do to get better and become more successful.


Everyone is going to be doing deals.


When I created this program, I had some goals for my students.




GOAL ONE: To ONLY deal with highly motivated sellers who have:


1. ...real estate for sale that will make us a profit.


2. ...have proven to us that they are serious and "ready to go" with the offer we have presented to them.


3. They understand who we are and...


4. ...are impressed by our credibility and accomplishments before they meet us so that they will have confidence that we can pull off everything we say. (I can show you how to build credibility even if you've NEVER done a deal in your life using powerful turn-key websites and automation.)


5. I want these sellers to feel that we are ethical, honest and have their best interests at heart BEFORE we talk to them because it makes the process so much more fun and satisfying and profitable.


6. I want them to text or email ME and let me know that they understand how I work before I talk to them...


7. and...I want them to trust me and be ready to do the sale of their house EXACTLY the way I tell them to do it.


I don't even want to talk to them until they jump through all of these hoops.


Every week, I have access to HUNDREDS of new Sellers like these if I type four special key words into Google... just do the math.


Would you like to find out how I'm doing this? I'm teaching these methods at the weekend virtual two day event.


But there's a catch... I'm only allowing my Six Month Mentor Students to come. Maybe it's time that you considered becoming a part of that program.


Everyone who is a current Mentor Student or who is in my Inner Circle Program is invited.


I used to let past mentor students come for free, but I've stopped doing that. Sorry about that... it doesn't mean I don't still love you and want you to attend. ;-)


If you are a past mentor student and would like to come, all you have to do is join the Inner Circle Program. This costs $295 a month and allows you to come to these events. It also allows you to join us on our bi-weekly coaching zoom calls AND it gives you personal access to me for your email questions. Basically, it's an extension of your Six Month Mentor Program.


If you're a past mentor student and you'd like to sign up for the Inner Circle Program, just 'reply' to this email and let me know. I'll have Amanda get you signed up.


If you want to join the mentor program and attend the buying event, please go to this website for details about the program. https://www.ZeroDownInvesting.com


There is also nearly 2 hours of free training on that site that will help you get your business up and running even if you don't sign up for the mentor program.


I warn you now that the six month mentor program and buying event is not cheap. It's about the same cost as going to college for a semester, but I do have a payment plan if you need it.


YOU MUST RESERVE A SPOT AT THIS EVENT EVEN IF YOU ARE ALREADY IN THE MENTOR PROGRAM - I need to know who is coming so I can properly prepare.


You won't want to miss this ground-breaking material. It could, quite simply, contain the one technique you need to catapult your business into the stratosphere.


If you're already an experienced investor, these simple, powerful, mind blowing techniques will make you a fortune very, very quickly...? because you already understand the basics of real estate investing and already have an infrastructure in place that will allow you to take advantage of these ideas starting right there at the event on Zoom. I can almost guarantee you aren't taking advantage of these techniques right now... after all, I invented many of them.


If you are a novice investor, these ideas will finally give you the edge you need, the confidence you've lacked and the simple steps you need to take (or, in this case, the buttons you need to push) to explode your income.


If you are serious about your real estate business, you need to be at this event.


Best wishes,

Joe Crump





PS - Here is a link to the page that explains the Mentor Program - what is included and what it costs.



And here are a bunch of my Student Interview Videos: This is a program that really does change lives. I've seen it over and over again since I started teaching my systems back in 1999 and they've grown like crazy since then. Most of these videos are more recent students so you can see the results they've had in my program, some of them are older. It's nothing short of amazing when you hear some of the stories these folks tell. AND you will learn how they put their business together - they aren't just patting me on the back, they actually tell you how they did it. You can watch them here:



And this is a link to the automation program that my mentor students and many other investors use daily. FOR A LIMITED TIME this program is now included in my mentor program for new students for 6 months. It will make your job a lot easier.






If you don't have my new book yet: It is titled, "How To Make $1 Million In 2 Years Investing In Real Estate" https://JoeCrump.com/millionbook

Get an endless stream of motivated seller leads using my automation system - Push Button Automarketer https://PushButtonAutomarketer.com

Would you like my personal help building your business? This web page will give you all the details: https://ZeroDownInvesting.com

Turn $200k investment into $100k year PASSIVE INCOME. And we do it for you. Check out our DONE FOR YOU PROGRAM here: https://jr4.co/doneforyou

BE THE BANK! Invest in my real estate projects and get a guaranteed 8% return on your money - secured by real estate. Here are the details: https://youtu.be/e1Yf7CpMa_0


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