30th April 2020
Dear Partners and Customers,
April was a different month and difficult. At the order level, there were several intentions but as the world is in lock down, clients, customers, partners and all the economics are hold still to view the opening of the markets.
In these COVID19 times, we are very likely looking into some long times of unseeing scenarios with constant unsafety". It is very important Men and Women, persons that make the difference, as our CEO Marco Santos that have the courage to do what is right despite the "safe return doubtful". We must do what is right for the long term to our people, our companies and society at the same time as many fight to survive.
It is a strange feeling to not seeing our colleagues every time next to us, but despite that we can assure to our customers that our production continues to manufacture normally, with preventive measures, and despite all situation, we been receiving many requests for quotation, as people want to go back and giving everything even before the end of this lock down, as we need to raise the level of orders and business in order to keep going.
Also, a special congrats to our Angola Partner, as they made 25 Years last 5th May. it is a Big achievement.
Keep safe and want you to believe, think and feel Grupel!
Let’s share energy together,
Pedro Send?o