#300 - Tecnologie assistive ≠ screen reader
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#300 - Tecnologie assistive ≠ screen reader


Un veloce memo per usare i termini AT (assistive tecnologies - tecnologie assistive) e SR (screen reader) in maniera appropriata.

Il riassunto è: gli screen reader sono una tecnologia assistiva, ma non sono l'unica! I due termini non vanno quindi usati come sinonimi.

Nell'articolo trovate un lungo elenco di tecnologie assistive, ma giusto per chiarezza, alcune tecnologie assistive diverse dagli screen reader sono: tastiere, controlli vocali, lenti di ingrandimento, display Braille, stick da bocca.

Assistive Technologies ≠ Screen Readers

A quick memo on using the terms AT (assistive technologies) and SR (screen reader) appropriately.

The summary is: screen readers are an assistive technology, but they are not the only one! The two terms should therefore not be used as synonyms.

In the article, you will find a long list of assistive technologies, but just for clarity, some assistive technologies other than screen readers are: keyboards, voice controls, magnifiers, Braille displays, mouth sticks.

#a11y #accessibility #AssistiveTechnologies #ScreenReaders


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