30 Years - What a Special Gift
Some of you may know that I am a former middle school teacher. I loved it and if I ever go back into teaching, it will be in middle school.
I had the pleasure of attending my twin daughter's junior high Christmas choir concert this week. The students were amazing!
However, the most amazing thing to me was the fact that this was the choir teacher's 30th year of developing and nurturing the voices of students here in Orem, UT.
30 years!
For each of those years she ends with the song you see in the video. She invites all of her former students to come on stage and sing with the current choir during this closing song. It was impressive to see how many came out of the audience to do so. The video does not do it justice.
Mrs. Covington got choked up as she was announcing that this would be the last time she was conducting this song. Then she came out into the aisle where I was shooting video and stood right behind me. While conducting the ensemble, I could hear gentle sobs and a I felt tears falling on to my head and on the ground next to me.
When the song was almost done, she invite the entire crowd to sing the last verse. Then students and families applauded at the end of the song and there was standing ovation and lots and lots of hugs from current and past students.
I say a special thank you to Mrs. Covington from Lakeridge Junior High for her amazing 30 years and to the thousands upon thousands of educational professionals who teach, guide, encourage and provide hope to their students.
What a special gift that is!
Postscript - Here is a video in which Mrs. Covington puts her skill to use...in the Tabernacle choir!