30+ Years of Silly Photoshop Work
Robert Hazelrigg
Award Winning Graphic Artist & Web Designer Helping Small to Mid-Size Business Grow Using Proven Marketing Techniques
30+ years ago I worked at a prepress company in north New Jersey. We were one of the first companies in the world to get the first beta version of Photoshop.
Back then Photoshop was much different; no layers, no undos, and saving files could some times take 30-40 minutes.
Being the joker I was, I quickly noticed I could have a lot of fun with this application. I worked the night shift and the 4 partners that owned the company had a huge photo of themselves in the lobby. One night I took the photo down, remove it from the frame, and scanned it using our Scitex Scanner which was the size of a refrigerator. I quickly swapped out heads, hair, cloths and more. Then printed my work and replaced the original photo in the lobby with my new silly image.
The next day I came in and took a lot of heat for what I did. I knew I might get in trouble but it was too much fun to resist. Every since then I've been swapping head for friends and family.
Over the years I've collected and saved a number of the images. I wish I had them all but sadly I do not. Below is a link to some of my favorites. I know most PSD pros will say much of the work is sloppy and I agree. I rarely spent much time on them, moreover, I believe their are funnier when they are obvious.