30 Years Removed: Entering The Education System
Charles Roberts
"Driving Success in Program Management & Transportation of Assets to Events | Owner at CJRMS & 2 Away Travel | Crafting Unforgettable Travel Experiences"
My high school days were in the 1980’s and back then I had zero interest in paying attention in school much less going to college unless I could play sports. My educational goals have changed after graduating 30 years ago.
When I graduated high school I didn’t pursue college instead I entered the Marine Corps. I have taken away many key aspects from each position I have held through the years which has helped shape the person and leader I am today.
I was always taking online classes here and there to keep up with different skill sets but with COVID-19 hitting and the subsequent loss of my job in March of 2020 I found myself completely emerged in online classes trying to both stay current in my field and gain as much knowledge about all aspects that would affect future employment. As I have continued to submit applications in the general area I have been in for the past 15 years two things have been deflected back to me with each application, both in the form of rejection letters or during the interview process. I either was not chosen because I currently do not have a college degree or I was not chosen because I was overqualified for what they are looking for.
Fast forward to August 17, 2020 with the initial day to the first semester of my college chapter of life. It had been 30 years since I left high school. Having been from a small town, knowing almost all the people in my class and all the teachers in school, I had no idea what to expect. The one expectation I had on myself was I would not be the student today that I was back then. I would not settle to just get through a class.
In high school I remember being on a set schedule with specific times to be places and bells to tell you when class was over and when you were late for the next class. What I found in college is that each class you have a syllabus that tells you what assignments are due each week, when you tests are, and what percentage of assignments, quizzes, and tests count in your final grade. You have the teachers email address and access to a class forum to ask questions and obtain help if needed. For the majority of the classes they are self paced and it is up to you to stay on course.
This type of learning really works for me for several reasons as opposed to sitting in a classroom for 1 or 2 hours of instruction each day of the week. With the ability to log in and work through the daily or weekly class assignments and be self paced, I am able to work when I am able to concentrate and stay focused. When I am losing my thought process and my mind begins to wonder, I am able to step away and do something else and come back to it. This worked well this first semester as my classes were broken up into 8 week sessions. I had two classes the first 8 weeks of the semester which allowed me to ease into a learning environment again. I then had 3 classes the second 8 weeks of the semester. This allowed me to stay focused on my coursework without being overwhelmed. This type of educational plan worked well for me allowing me to finish the first semester with a 4.0 G.P.A..
Looking back at my high school days I think I probably had an attention span problem that prevented me from staying focused in my classes due to sitting in class for the whole time and not being able to move around. My desk in my office is one where I stand or sit on a stool allowing me to move around while i’m working on my computer.
I think a big part of my educational outlook today as opposed to 30 years ago is my mindset and my experience. I am a much stronger leader today than I was then allowing me to see the whole picture of my goals, long term and not just a short term goal. In 2022 I will graduate with a Business Administration degree and will transfer to a 4 year college for a Bachelors in Business Administration with concentration in Information Systems.
Entering the education system after being removed from it for 30 years has been a great experience. If you are questioning whether to go to college or go back to college just set your goal and do it. Being a disabled veteran I reached out to the Veterans Administration for assistance in addition to grants and scholarships. As I am still seeking employment I knew for me to go to college I would need it paid for so that I had no further financial burden. Take control of your future. Find what is out there to help shape what you want for a future career. Your first step was reading this and thinking about if you could do it. Now make a plan and go after it.