30 years of Journal of Brand Managment: A brief personal reflection on its legacy and impact
Mario Burghausen
Associate Professor (Senior Lecturer), Management and Marketing; Editor-in-Chief (joint) Journal of Brand Management
Disclaimer: This article is based on my own personal thinking and does not claim to represent the publisher's or the journal's official opinion or stance (nor do I claim to speak for my colleagues, the other Editors-in-Chief of the journal).
The Journal of Brand Management (“JBM” or “the journal” thereafter) was born out of a perceived crisis in 1993 (Kelly 1993). A crisis due to compounding factors and developments undermining marketers’ and other business professionals’ confidence in brand management as marketing tool who were questioning the value of brands in operational, strategic and financial terms (Doyle 1994). The imminent death of brands and brand management was frequently pronounced and discussed at the time (Kugler 1994).
Yet, in hindsight we can say that this was not a crisis of brands or branding per se but a crisis of the then dominant model of brand management and a rather narrow understanding of brands and the purpose of branding that was brought into sharp relief (Aaker 1996; Knox and Maklan 1998).
Brand management largely still meant product brand management in 1993.? This branding model had been pioneered by fast moving consumer good (FMCG) manufacturers like Procter and Gamble, Unilever, Coca-Cola and others (Low and Fullerton 1994). The model had worked very well for decades with established FMCG brands commanding a differential advantage in terms of category sales and price premiums.
Yet in 1993 these advantages were quickly eroding due to competitive challenges and changed market dynamics at the time (Kapferer 1993; cf. Moran 1993). These challenges often came from retailers and their own-label brands (Buck 1993; Laaksonen and Reynolds 1994) and because of rising costs and management skills required for introducing and building brands (Rossiter 1994). All this unfolded in an increasingly global (Thomas et al. 1995), digital (Moore and Andradi 1996; also see Uncles 2001) but fragmented marketing environment characterised by proliferating media, distribution channels and a growing diversity in consumer lifestyles and expectations, for example (Barwise 1997).
In addition, new actors emerged on the branding scene such as service (Free 1996; also see Chernatony 1999), technology (Zambuni 1997) and business-to-business brands (Ryder 1994) while recently privatised public entities (Uncles 1996) and non-profit organisations (Saxton 1995) turned to branding too. All of them adopted branding as a tool and strategy but required novel ideas and fresh thinking about brand strategy and brand management (Thomas 1994; Macrae 1994; Keller 2001).
A third factor was the realisation that brands constituted an intangible asset with value to be financially (Bynoe and Mendelsohn 1994) and strategically leveraged (Keller 1997) and to be legally protected (Davies 1994; Carboni 1996; also see Hodson and Playle 2003). This was raising questions of how best to measure and account for brand value and its various sources and uses (Neil 1994; Ambler 1995; Chernatony 1995; Feldwick 1996). Consequently, the journal’s first ever special issue (see table 1 below for all special issues of JBM so far) was devoted to the problem of brand valuation (Thomas 1998).
JBM was partially set up to provide an outlet for said debates and a forum of exchange between practitioners and academics but also as a means for reasserting the confidence in branding and as a bold statement of intent for its future (Kelly 1993; Pearson 1994; also see Powell 2014).
Since then, the relevance of brands and importance of branding have grown. Their scope and scale of application have expanded beyond the wildest imaginations of those practitioners and academics who were concerned with and concerned for branding and who helped to usher JBM into being in 1993.
Brands and brand management have truly flourished during the intervening period between then and now, and they are today an indispensable practice and established scholarly field, though not without novel challenges that are reflective of our own times. Academic priorities, empirical puzzles and practical problems may change, the needs for debate and for exchange of branding ideas and solutions remain the same. This was an urgency in 1993 and is of paramount importance in 2024.
For 30 years JBM has played its part in shaping these debates and ideas about branding and brand management and has established itself as a leading specialist journal for everyone – students, academics and practitioners – interested in brands, brand strategy and brand management. We can humbly say that the journal has an enviable track record of identifying and allowing space for novel ideas and innovative perspectives too (Thomas 2002; Melewar 2008; Jones 2010; Brexendorf et al. 2012; Kernstock and Powell 2018).
For example, the domain of place, destination and nation branding featured prominently in the journal from 1998 onwards (Anholt 1998; Morgan and Pritchard 1999; Hankinson 2001) with JBM featuring one of the first ever special issues of an academic journal on the topic in 2002 (Anholt 2002).
Likewise, luxury branding has been given prominence in JBM throughout its history (Kapferer 1997; Kapferer 1998; Phau and Prendergast 2000; Vigneron and Johnson 2004; Kapferer and Bastien 2009; Kapferer 2014), with many seminal contributions by leading scholars in that field and a number of special issues published in the journal (Okonkwo 2009; Valette-Florence 2012; Gutsatz and Heine 2018).
JBM has also supported the idea around conscientious brands (Ind and Ryder 2011; Iglesias and Ind 2020) almost since the inception of that perspective and continues to do so to this day with past and future special issues (see CfP). This is consistent with the long-standing theme of ethics, responsibility and sustainability in branding and of brands, continuously addressed in the journal since its early days (Zambuni 1999; Hall 1999; Thomas 1999) and in frequent special issues (Macrae et al 2003; Ind and Ryder 2011; Roper 2018; Golob and Podnar 2019; Golob et al 2022).
The themes of employer branding (Ambler and Barrow 1996; Mosley 2007; Moroko and Uncles 2008) and internal and behavioural branding (Richardson 2000; Ind 2003; Burmann and Zeplin 2005; Punjaisri and Wilson 2007) found a home for debate in JBM very early on too (see Piehler et al 2018).
A final example of a genuine conceptual innovation spearheaded in JBM are the concepts of heritage branding and brand heritage as well as corporate heritage (Balmer et al 2006; Urde et al 2007) with two special issues in the journal so far (Balmer and Burghausen 2015; Balmer and Bargenda 2023).
This does not mean or implies that JBM has ever jumped unquestioningly on any “brandwagon” or the latest management fads, or short-lived marketing crazes for that matter. On the contrary, the domains that featured early and continuously in JBM have evolved and matured into scholarly sub-fields of branding with real practical relevance. This is the ultimate litmus test of any new domain in branding (Redler and Schmidt 2022).
In 2024 we are at another inflexion point. Brands are facing expanded demands and expectations from customers and other stakeholders for actively meeting new challenges and multiple crises – economic, social, technological and environmental – for which novel and innovative answers are sought and urgently needed (Iglesias and Ind 2020; Golob et al 2022; Aaker 2023; Golob and Podnar 2024).
I am confident that JBM will continue to provide a space and forum for debate of current and emerging issues relevant for academia and practitioners interested in brands, branding and brand management alike.
To the next 30 years! ???
Aaker, D.A. 1996. Misconceptions about brands. Journal of Brand Management 3 (4): 212–214.
Aaker, D.A. 2023. Branding: Too often overlooked in disruptive innovation and social purpose arenas. Journal of Brand Management 30 (3): 185–189.
Ambler, T. 1995. Brand equity as a relational concept. Journal of Brand Management 2 (6): 386–397.
Ambler, T. and S. Barrow. 1996. The employer brand. Journal of Brand Management 4 (3): 185–206.
Anholt, S. 1998. Nation-brands of the twenty-first century. Journal of Brand Management 5 (6): 395–406.
Anholt, S. 2002. Foreword. Journal of Brand Management 9 (4): 229–239.
Balmer, J.M.T. and A. Bargenda. 2023. Corporate heritage brand design. Journal of Brand Management 30 (2): 95–96.
Balmer, J.M.T. and M. Burghausen. 2015. Explicating corporate heritage, corporate heritage brands and organisational heritage. Journal of Brand Management 22 (5): 364–384.
Balmer, J.M.T., S.A. Greyser and M. Urde. 2006. The Crown as a corporate brand: Insights from monarchies. Journal of Brand Management 14 (1-2): 137–161.
Barwise, P. 1997. Brands in a digital world. Journal of Brand Management 4 (4): 220–223.
Brexendorf, T.O., J. Kernstock and S.M. Powell. 2012. Editorial: Statement from the new editors. Journal of Brand Management 19 (4): 255–256.
Buck, S. 1993. Own label and branded goods in fmcg markets: An assessment of the facts, the trends and the future. Journal of Brand Management 1 (1): 14–21.
Burmann, C. and S. Zeplin. 2005. Building brand commitment: A behavioural approach to internal brand management. Journal of Brand Management 12 (4): 279–300.
Bynoe, R. and M. Mendelsohn. 1994. Franchising. Journal of Brand Management 1 (4): 239–242.
Carboni, A. 1996. Protecting brands through licensing: Legal ‘dos’ and ‘don'ts’. Journal of Brand Management 3 (4): 261–271.
Chernatony, L. de. 1995. Strategic brand management or tactical branding? Journal of Brand Management 3 (2): 76–77.
Chernatony, L. de. 1999. Editorial: Branding financial services. Journal of Brand Management 6 (4): 221.
Davies, I. 1994. The great Coca-Cola dispute: Look-alikes. Journal of Brand Management 2 (1): 59–64.
Doyle, P. 1994. Marketing and business success. Journal of Brand Management 1 (4): 204–206.
Feldwick, P. 1996. Do we really need ‘Brand Equity’? Journal of Brand Management 4 (1): 9–28.
Free, C. 1996. Building a financial brand you can bank on. Journal of Brand Management 4 (1): 29–34.
Golob, U. and K. Podnar. 2019. Researching CSR and brands in the here and now: An integrative perspective. Journal of Brand Management 26 (1): 1–8.
Golob, U., M. Burghausen, J. Kernstock and M.A.P. Davies. 2022. Brand management and sustainability: Exploring potential for the transformative power of brands. Journal of Brand Management 29 (6): 513–519.
Gutsatz, M. and K. Heine. 2018. Luxury brand-building and development: New global challenges, new business models. Journal of Brand Management 25 (5): 409–410.
Hall, J. 1999. Corporate ethics and the new commercial paradigm. Journal of Brand Management 7 (1): 38–47.
Hall, J. 2007. The ethical opportunity. Journal of Brand Management 14 (5): 365–367.
Hankinson, G. 2001. Location branding: A study of the branding practices of 12 English cities. Journal of Brand Management 9 (2): 127–142.
Hodson, S. and S. Playle. 2003. Editorial: New developments in the law and what these mean for your brand protection strategy. Journal of Brand Management 11 (2): 93–95.
Iglesias, O. and N. Ind. 2020. Towards a theory of conscientious corporate brand co-creation: The next key challenge in brand management. Journal of Brand Management 27 (6): 710–720.
Ind, N. 2003. Inside out: How employees build value. Journal of Brand Management 10 (6): 393–402.
Ind, N. and I. Ryder. 2011. Conscientious Brands Editorial. Journal of Brand Management 18 (9): 635–638.
Jones, R. 2010. Editorial: Day one. Journal of Brand Management 17 (4): 241–242.
Kapferer, J.-N. 1993. The challenges of branding. Journal of Brand Management 1 (2): 77–78.
Kapferer, J.-N. 1997. Managing luxury brands. Journal of Brand Management 4 (4): 251–259.
Kapferer, J.-N. 2014. The future of luxury: Challenges and opportunities. Journal of Brand Management 21 (9): 716–726.
Kapferer, J.-N. and V. Bastien. 2009. The specificity of luxury management: Turning marketing upside down. Journal of Brand Management 16 (5-6): 311–322.
Keller, K.L. 1997. Twenty-first century branding. Journal of Brand Management 4 (6): 368–370.
Keller, K.L. 2001. Brand research imperatives. Journal of Brand Management 9 (1): 4–6.
Kelly, T. 1993. Editorial: Innovation and debate: The way forward for brand management. Journal of Brand Management 1 (1): 4.
Kernstock, J. and S.M. Powell. 2018. Twenty-five years of the Journal of Brand Management. Journal of Brand Management 25 (6): 489–493.
Knox, S. and S. Maklan. 1998. Brand marketing in transition. Journal of Brand Management 6 (1): 50–56.
Kugler, R. 1994. The brand is dead: Long live the brand. Journal of Brand Management 2 (1): 4–5.
Laaksonen, H. and J. Reynolds. 1994. Own brands in food retailing across Europe. Journal of Brand Management 2 (1): 37–46.
Low, G.S. and R.A. Fullerton. 1994. Brands, Brand Management, and the Brand Manager System: A Critical-Historical Evaluation. Journal of Marketing Research 31 (2): 173–190.
Macrae, C. 1994. Branding — a core business process. Journal of Brand Management 2 (2): 106–109.
Macrae, C., B. Rouse, J. Yan, T. Kitchin, D. Blumenthal, J. Caswell, … 2003. Editorial: Can brand leadership recover local trust and global responsibility? Journal of Brand Management 10 (4): 268–278.
Melewar, T.C. 2008. Editorial: Development and progress in branding research. Journal of Brand Management 16 (3): 117–118.
Moore, K. and B. Andradi. 1996. Who will be the winners on the Internet? Journal of Brand Management 4 (1): 47–54.
Moran, W.T. 1993. Positioning, price and profit: Lessons from the American cigarette war and elsewhere. Journal of Brand Management 1 (3): 147–150.
Morgan, N.J. and A. Pritchard. 1999. Building destination brands: The cases of Wales and Australia. Journal of Brand Management 7 (2): 103–118.
Moroko, L. and M.D. Uncles. 2008. Characteristics of successful employer brands. Journal of Brand Management 16 (3): 160–175.
Mosley, R.W. 2007. Customer experience, organisational culture and the employer brand. Journal of Brand Management 15 (2): 123–134.
Neil, D.J. 1994. The valuation of brands for licensing. Journal of Brand Management 1 (4): 216–226.
Okonkwo, U. 2009. The luxury brand strategy challenge. Journal of Brand Management 16 (5-6): 287–289.
Papasolomou, I. and D. Vrontis. 2006. Using internal marketing to ignite the corporate brand: The case of the UK retail bank industry. Journal of Brand Management 14 (1-2): 177–195.
Pearson, D. 1994. The Quest for Truth. Journal of Brand Management 1 (5): 268–270.
Phau, I. and G. Prendergast. 2000. Consuming luxury brands: The relevance of the ‘Rarity Principle’. Journal of Brand Management 8 (2): 122–138.
Piehler, R., D. Grace and C. Burmann. 2018. Internal brand management: Introduction to the special issue and directions for future research. Journal of Brand Management 25 (3): 197–201.
Powell, S.M. 2014. Twenty-one years of the Journal of Brand Management: A commemorative review. Journal of Brand Management 21 (9): 689–701.
Punjaisri, K. and A. Wilson. 2007. The role of internal branding in the delivery of employee brand promise. Journal of Brand Management 15 (1): 57–70.
Redler, J. and H.J. Schmidt. 2022. I know that I know nothing: Exploring the managerial relevance of recent orientations in brand management research. Journal of Brand Management 29 (5): 498–511.
Richardson, M. 2000. Letting the brand guide the people. Journal of Brand Management 7 (4): 275–280.
Roper, S., M. Lim and O. Iglesias. 2018. ‘Brands that do Good’ (11th global brand conference), University of Bradford School of Management. Journal of Brand Management 25 (1): 1–2.
Rossiter, J.R. 1994. Brand building: The search for principles in advertising. Journal of Brand Management 1 (6): 332–334.
Ryder, I. 1994. Is branding important in business-to-business marketing? An IT industry view. Journal of Brand Management 1 (6): 357–362.
Saxton, J. 1995. A strong charity brand comes from strong beliefs and values. Journal of Brand Management 2 (4): 211–220.
Thomas, M.J. 1994. Whither brand management? Journal of Brand Management 2 (2): 76–77.
Thomas, M.J. 1998. Brand valuation - introduction to the Special Issue. Journal of Brand Management 5 (4): 222–224.
Thomas, M.J. 2002. Editorial: Brand management - Is there any more to be said? Journal of Brand Management 10 (2): 92–93.
Thomas, R. 1999. Developing an ethical image: Managing your reputation via corporate branding. Journal of Brand Management 6 (3): 198–210.
Thomas, M.J., J.R. Bureau and N. Saxena. 1995. The relevance of global branding. Journal of Brand Management 2 (5): 299–307.
Uncles, M. 1996. Editorial: Corporate branding in utilities and telecoms. Journal of Brand Management 3 (6): 348–353.
Uncles, M. 2001. Editorial: Interactive electronic marketing and brand management. Journal of Brand Management 8 (4): 245–254.
Urde, M., S.A. Greyser and J.M.T. Balmer. 2007. Corporate brands with a heritage. Journal of Brand Management 15 (1): 4–19.
Valette-Florence, P. 2012. Luxury and counterfeiting: Issues, challenges and prospects. Journal of Brand Management 19 (7): 541–543.
Vigneron, F. and L.W. Johnson. 2004. Measuring perceptions of brand luxury. Journal of Brand Management 11 (6): 484–506.
Zambuni, R. 1997. Hi-tech brands at the crossroads. Journal of Brand Management 5 (1): 4–7.
Zambuni, R. 1999. Brands and ethics - oil and water? Journal of Brand Management 6 (3): 149–151.
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11 个月Congratulation #brandmanagement, and thanks for insightful information
Associate Professor at Aarhus University, School of Communication and Culture
11 个月Interesting read!
Professor at the University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Social Sciences and researcher in the field of CSR and sustainability
11 个月Thank you for your insightful commentary!
Professor of Brand Management, Adam Smith Business School, University of Glasgow
11 个月Thank you for all the hard work you are doing for the Journal of Brand Management. In the Brand Management research field we need strong outlets and the Journal is lucky to be supported by somebody like you!
Assistant Professor (Marketing) at XLRI Jamshedpur || IMT Ghaziabad || FPM, XLRI Jamshedpur
11 个月Congratulations on completing 30 impactful years!