- It’s a team sport, not an individual one.
- We serve others. Teammates, clients.
- Service, delivery & support matters!
- It’s a marathon and not a sprint.
- The listeners always surpass the talkers!
- Trust is built over time from consistency & repeat business.
- Be proud of sales, it is an impactful role inside a company.
- Prospects and clients are all unique.
- Lessons & learnings are ongoing but also come from all types of sources.
- Features, speeds & feeds, don’t sell.
- Discounting, promos and campaigns are knee jerk reactions when understanding buyer behaviour or decision factors (technical, project).
- Build trustworthy relationships internally and externally. The power of your address book really matters!
- Stop. Reflect. Assess yourself, your BU, your org, your brand. Put yourself in the shoes of prospect clients periodically.
- You’re only as good as your last month, quarter, year and support team.
- There’s no silver bullet. It’s often the grind and behind the scenes work.
- Anyone that hasn’t been on the sales front line, owned a target or successfully achieved isn’t one to copy.
- Part art & part science. There isn’t an exact formula to replicate. Test, trial.
- What you are selling is important. Don’t believe the “sell ice to Eskimo” stuff.
- Actions will always trump empty words.
- You can be in sales and have a heart. The best ones consider organic growth, long term and attract ideal clients with empathy, trust & action!
- Don’t push the sale but you can ask for the business. What’s to lose?
- Find a message, topic & channel to stay close and front of mind.?
- Sales is creative! Come up with ideas.
- The wrong activity doesn’t = sales. Find your ROI that brings results.
- Adopt a teacher mindset. Did you know? Plant a seed for future trees!
- Be You. Nobody wants a clone. Take the best behaviour and practices of others but add your own twist and personality. It’s our differences that separate us as human sellers.?
- Take a few risks. Do something different and see if it works.
- Be honest and don’t lie. You will be found out and without another chance.
- Run your own race. We’re all on different stages of our journey and it’s best not to compare. Work on improving personal best.
- Sales is an acquired skill, not a natural character trait. Don’t listen to 90’s statements about “spinning a good yarn” or having to be an “extrovert”.