30 tips on how to become Distinguishable, Uncopyable & Irresistible - even in a crowded marketplace
#30DaysToDistinction Challenge

30 tips on how to become Distinguishable, Uncopyable & Irresistible - even in a crowded marketplace

With so many more businesses online and your ideal client being faced with far more pressing challenges means your message needs to be far more focused.?

Also, now more than ever do you need to be crystal clear on what distinguishes you, what makes you?uncopyable, and what is irresistible to your ideal client so you can weave that within your message and story.?

That's exactly what we covered in our recent?#30DaysToDistinction?Challenge! How to go from the world's best kept secret to THE choice vs just A choice with your ideal client - even in a crowded marketplace.

Below is a roundup of all of the tips. Enjoy!!

Our first four videos addresses our MINDSET - because without the right mindset and self-belief, it'll remain difficult to become distinguishable, uncopyable and irresistible. After all, if you don't recognise your Inner Brilliance and expertise you offer - how do you expect your ideal client to recognise it?

??#30DaysToDistinction Challenge - MINDSET Tip#1?????

Most people experience Imposter Syndrome. That voice that says ‘Who do you think you are?’???

Which is why in today’s video tip we are going to stare Imposter Syndrome right in the FACE, along with a few choice words.?

Distinction Power Tip: Tell Imposter Syndrome and your inner critic – YOU'RE not the fraud. IT IS!

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?? #30DaysToDistinction Challenge MINDSET Tip#2 ?????

Ever looked at what other people in your industry were doing and feel totally out of your league????

If you said ‘Yes’ - you’re not alone.?Which is why in today’s video tip, we’re going to address the 'comparison trap' - once and for all.?

Distinction Power Tip: Compare yourself to who you were yesterday. No-one else!

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??#30DaysToDistinction MINDSET Tip#3 ?????

Are you waiting for more confidence before you do that ‘thing’ you know is going to make a HUGE impact in your business???

Guess what? You don’t need more confidence.?Rather you need the ONE thing I speak about in today’s video tip.?

Distinction Power Tip: Confidence isn’t something you just HAVE. It's something you build.

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??#30DaysToDistinction Challenge MINDSET Tip#4 ?????

Waiting for the right time before you speak at an event? Or to complete that course before you launch the new offering??

Waiting is counterintuitive.?Which is why in today's video tip, I share what you should be doing instead.?

Distinction Power Tip: Just start. Take that ONE step you need to do today. Then another. And, another.?

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In the next eight videos we dig deeper into what being distinguishable, uncopyable and irresistible means, because without a clear understanding, it remains difficult for us to attain it. After all, how can you achieve something, which you're not clear about?

Or, put another way - how can you reach your destination if you don't know where you're going!

??#30DaysToDistinction Challenge DISTINGUISHABLE Tip#5 ?????

Being Distinguishable – what it is? And, what it is NOT is important. And, may just be what is keeping you stuck FROM becoming distinguishable.??

I share more in today’s video tip.?

Distinction Power Tip: Being Distinguishable is NOT you’re better than everyone else, but rather how you’re better placed to best support your ideal client.?

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?? #30DaysToDistinction Challenge DISTINGUISHABLE Tip#6 ????

Struggling to define what’s truly distinguishable about yourself??

In today’s #30DistinctionToDistinction Video Tip, I share more about The Distinction Triad, which includes three elements that when combined – makes YOU distinguishable.?

Distinguishable Power Tip: It’s the combination of your Aptitude, Attitude and Approach that distinguishes you.

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??#30DaysToDistinction Challenge DISTINGUISHABLE Tip#7 ????

Speaking to everyone? You’ll end up speaking to no-one. Which is why in today’s video tip I share more about the importance of defining your ONE thing.??

Because, speaking about too many topics won’t cut through the noise.?

Distinction Power Tip: ?Let?your ONE thing be THE thing you consistently speak about.

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??#30DaysToDistinction Challenge UNCOPYABLE Tip#8 ?????

‘Faking it’ or ‘Making it up’ (when it comes to your story) is NOT how to be?uncopyable.??

In today’s video tip I share what you need to focus on instead in order to pinpoint what is going to make you?uncopyable.?

Distinction Power Tip: ?'You are fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139:14) Even?your fingers prints are unique.'

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??#30DaysToDistinction Challenge UNCOPYABLE Tip#9 ?????

Being Unique and?Uncopyable?starts right here with the two things...two things that no-one else can copy.??I explain more in today's video tip.?

Distinction Power Tip: It’s the combination of your Characteristics and Mannerisms that make you unique and?uncopyable.

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??#30DaysToDistinction Challenge UNCOPYABLE Tip#10 ?????

Following on from Tip #9, here are two more elements that no-one else can copy when it comes to your story.??Weaving these two things within your story is powerful.??

I share more in today’s video tip.?

Distinction Power Tip: It’s the Markers and Milestones in your life that create your unique and?uncopyable?Story.

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?? #30DaysToDistinction Challenge IRRESISTIBLE Tip#11 ?????

Being Irresistible – what it is??And, what it is not when it comes to Change Makers who want to become known as a Trusted Authority.??

Distinction Power Tip: It’s your confidence and ability to show up and shine – with authenticity, that makes you irresistible.?

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??#30DaysToDistinction Challenge IRRESISTIBLE Tip#12 ?????

Want to become irresistible to your ideal client??Then do this...??

I share more in today’s video tip.?

Distinction Power Tip: To truly be irresistible – speak to an audience of ONE.

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The next five videos shares how to create content that stands out, positions your thought leadership, and is irresistible to your ideal client.

??#30DaysToDistinction Challenge DISTINTUISHABLE, UNCOPYABLE, IRRESISTIBLE Tip#13 ?????

You know how marketers tell us we need to share more content across more platforms, more frequently??It’s unwise.?Do this instead...????

I share more in today’s video tip.?

Distinction Power Tip: LESS really IS MORE when it comes to being Distinguishable,?Uncopyable?AND Irresistible.

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??#30DaysToDistinction Challenge DISTINTUISHABLE, UNCOPYABLE, IRRESISIBLE Tip#14?????

Heard the saying ‘try to speak everyone – you speak to no-one?’?It’s true.??

In today’s video tip, I share what you should be focusing on instead with your message.?

Distinction Power Tip: Trying to be ALL things to ALL people almost makes it impossible to become Distinguishable,?Uncopyable?and Irresistible to your ideal client – because you don’t know who they are.?

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??#30DaysToDistinction Challenge DISTINTUISHABLE, UNCOPYABLE, IRRESISIBLE Tip#15 ?????

Struggling to define your ONE thing when it comes to your message? I did. For years. Till I did this instead...??

It’s a method I’ve been using for years now.?

I share more in today’s video tip.?

Distinction Power Tip: 'You don't have to limit yourself to just ONE thing. You just need to change the way you speak about what you do, with your Umbrella Statement.'

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??#30DaysToDistinction Challenge DISTINGUISHABLE, UNCOPYABLE, IRRESISIBLE Tip#16 ?????

Heard the saying ‘Marketer's ruin everything?’?They overuse (or incorrectly use) tactics/terms to death.??

They tried with the word ‘Authentic.’ It became labelled a buzzword.??

I disagree.??I share why in today’s video tip.?

Distinction Power Tip: Authenticity is NOT a buzzword. It’s Paramount.

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??#30DaysToDistinction Challenge DISTINGUISHABLE, UNCOPYABLE, IRRESISTIBLE Tip#17 ?????

Can you list reasons why your ideal client should hire you rather than one of your competitors???

Hint: It’s NOT what you do.?I share more in today’s video tip.?

Distinction Power Tip: 'If you're not clear on your Promise of Value and Promise of Expectation (and why a client should hire you) - how can you expect your ideal client to know why they should choose YOU vs your competitor?'

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Creating Unique and Uncopyable Content: The next 7 videos in the #30DaysToDistinction Challenge pinpoints seven different ways to think about your content to showcase your #thoughtleadership.

Each of these ways can become your Core Principles, which you can continue to teach and share as part of your content creation and sharing strategy.

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??#30DaysToDistinction Challenge Tip#18 ?????

Struggling to come up with unique and?uncopyable?content to position yourself as a trusted authority??

Do this...?It’s one of seven ways you can take your content to the next level.??

I share more in today’s video tip.?

Distinction Power Tip: Address the BS in your Industry so your ideal client can achieve their goals in a more streamlined and innovative approach.

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??#30DaysToDistinction Challenge Tip#19 ?????

Struggling to come up with unique and?uncopyable?content to position yourself as a trusted authority??

Do this...?It’s the second of seven ways you can take your content to the next level.??

I share more in today’s video tip.?

Distinction Power Tip: Expose the Elephant in the Room for your Industry and teach what your ideal client SHOULD be doing instead.'

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??#30DaysToDistinction Challenge Tip#20 ?????

Struggling to come up with unique and?uncopyable?content to position yourself as a trusted authority??

Do this...??It’s the third of seven ways you can take your content to the next level.??

I share more in today’s video tip.?

Distinction Power Tip: As a Change Maker, following the same ol same ol is just not in your DNA. Give yourself permission to challenge the status quo. Make a difference by BEING the difference.

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??#30DaysToDistinction Challenge Tip#21 ?????

Struggling to come up with unique and?uncopyable?content to position yourself as a trusted authority??

Do this...??It’s the fourth of seven ways you can take your content to the next level.??

I share more in today’s video tip.?

Distinction Power Tip: As a Change Maker, being 'part of a pack' is just not your style. Do the Opposite. Innovate the change your industry needs.

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??#30DaysToDistinction Challenge Tip#22 ?????

Struggling to come up with unique and?uncopyable?content to position yourself as a trusted authority???

Do this...?It’s the fifth of seven ways you can take your content to the next level.??

I share more in today’s video tip.??

Distinction Power Tip: Begin teaching elements of your methodologies and what you now take your clients through to get them from where they're stuck to where they're achieving their goals.'

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??#30DaysToDistinction Challenge Tip#23 ?????

Struggling to come up with unique and?uncopyable?content to position yourself as a trusted authority???

Do this...?It’s the sixth of seven ways you can take your content to the next level.??

I share more in today’s video tip.?

Distinction Power Tip: 'As a Change Maker, being 'part of a pack' is just not your style. Do the Opposite and innovate the change your industry?needs.

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??#30DaysToDistinction Challenge Tip#24 ?????

Struggling to come up with unique and?uncopyable?content to position yourself as a trusted authority???

Do this...?It’s the seventh of seven ways you can take your content to the next level.??

I share more in today’s video tip.?

Distinction Power Tip: Innovate – even a 1% difference can be the difference.

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The last five videos wraps everything up with some important insights and reminders as you continue to build your #thoughtleadership.

?? #30DaysToDistinction Challenge Tip#25????

Want to become Distinguishable,?Uncopyable?and Irresistible???Then are you doing this??

If you’ve been following Tip#18 to Tip#24 you’ve now been able to create unique and?uncopyable?content.?

I share more in today’s video tip.?

Distinction Power 'Tip: ?Repurpose your content across different platforms and communication mediums.

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?? #30DaysToDistinction Challenge Tip#26 ?????

How do you ‘seed and lead’ ideal clients along the customer journey with your content????

Use the 3 E’s concept.??I share more about the 3 Es on today’s video tip.?

Distinction Power Tip: 'When it comes to your content. - the three 'E's?are key. Educate, Engage and Entice as you continue to 'seed and lead' ideal customers along the customer journey.'

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?? #30DaysToDistinction Challenge Tip#27 ?????

Just because you can – doesn't mean you should.??Especially when it comes to marketing tactics and tools (i.e.?bright shiny objects).??

The reasons why - I share in today’s video tip.???

Distinction Power Tip: ?Right Tactic – Wrong Timing for You and your business, right now.

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??#30DaysToDistinction Challenge Tip#28 ?????

Want to build your reputation as a trusted authority??Then THIS is what you should be focusing on.???

Hint: It’s NOT vanity numbers.??

I share more in today’s video tip.?

Distinction Power Tip: Build Reputation Equity NOT vanity numbers.

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?? #30DaysToDistinction Challenge Tip#29 ?????

Want to know what can take you ‘out’ from becoming Distinguishable,?Uncopyable?and Irresistible???

It’s something we all experience.?But it’s what we do with it – that matters.??

I share more in today’s video tip.?

Distinction Power Tip: 'Don't let Doubt take you Out. Doubt is a liar.'

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?? #30DaysToDistinction Challenge Tip#30 ????

People will talk about you anyway – wouldn’t you like to influence what they say???

You can – here's how...?

I share more in today’s video tip.?

Distinction Power Tip: People will talk about you anyway – wouldn't you like to influence what they say?

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Can you believe we’re at the end of our #30DaysToDistinction Challenge?

I’ve seen so many ‘aha’s’ and comments over the #30DaysToDistinction Challenge about how helpful you’ve found the insights shared - which is wonderful! Because that was my intention when I created all of the videos.

However, we’ve only just begun to scratch the surface when it comes to becoming distinguishable, Uncopyable and irresistible - THE choice vs just a choice when your ideal client is ready to move forward.

Now is when the REAL action takes place.?

In Tip #30 I promised to send you a link to my Distinguishable, Uncopyable & Irresistible Masterclass, which you can find here.

I’ll see you soon!


About Annemarie Cross - Personal Brand, Business & Podcast Strategist:

Dubbed ‘The Podcasting Queen,’ she is an award-winning podcast host and is recognized as a pioneer in the podcasting space having started her first co-hosted podcast in 2008. Her podcasts have been syndicated on both National and International Radio and listed among the top podcasts for Entrepreneurs and small business worldwide.???

Recently cited as one of the Top 20 Business Coaches in Melbourne - Australia, Annemarie works with consultants and coaches around the world helping them create distinguishable,?uncopyable?and irresistible brands so they're seen as not just A choice – but THE choice with their ideal clients.?

Ivana Katz

?? ?? ?????????? ???????????????? ???????? ?????????? ???????? ???????????????? ?? Wordpress website design for small business. ?? Responsive web design ?? Website audits

5 个月

Great share Annemarie. Look forward to learning more from you.

Amanda Blesing FARPI

Helping women succeed in the C-suite | Work with me 1:1 | CEO | Keynote Speaker, Mentor, Best Selling Author | Retreat Facilitator | LinkedIn Top Voice & Top 50 Women in Leadership Influencer

3 å¹´

I teach executive women how to stand out for the right reasons and language is a really powerful tool. #womenofimpact

Bronwyn White

Double Bookings via Traveller Research & AI Mastery | 25+ Years, Travel Insights

3 å¹´

Loads of great tips in here that we can all implement and learn from

Julie Hyne AICI CIP

Professional Image Consultant empowering executive women *?? Executive Stylist and Mentor for C-suite women *?? The secret weapon for women in leadership

3 å¹´

Love your tips Annemarie Cross, I still refer back to so much of the archetype work we did years ago

Jen Corcoran

LinkedIn Consultant for 50+ Female Coaches & Consultants ? Lead Jen ?? Signature PACT? Blueprint for Empaths & Introverts to x10 leads ? From Cold to Gold with Connections that Matter

3 å¹´

I love how these are now all in one handy place Annemarie and you can share this link as a valuable resource ?? well done on a fab challenge!


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