30 Things To Teach Your Children
Here are the 30 Things to Teach Your Children from the book UR:You Are Who You Choose To Be by Rob Cook on Amazon and Barnes and Noble.com. Let me know what you think of the book on Facebook or Instagram @URRobCook.
1.) Focus on what is important, prioritize, put things in perspective
2.) Don't be selfish, it ultimately leads to unhappiness
3.) Maintain your personal integrity and character
4.) Accept the things that are your responsibility and act upon them
5.) Accept your failures and disappointments in life, learn from
them, don't dwell on them, and teach others not to repeat them
6.) Respect the world and the people around you
7.) Create meaningful relationships based on trust, respect and kindness
8.) You are who you associate with
9.) The secret to success in life is hard work and the service of others
10.) Know yourself and do things everyday that make you happy
11.) Be self-confident and satisfied with who you are
12.) Do something good for someone everyday
13.) Leave things better than you found them
14.) Be a gracious winner and loser
15.) Have situational awareness
16.) Do the best you can at everything you do
17.) Be resilient
18.) Use common sense
19.) Love yourself and allow yourself to be loved
20.) Understand and be able to identify what you want in a soul mate
21.) Take religion seriously - love God and your neighbor
22.) Stop worrying about fame and fortune
23.) Get thick skin. Sticks and stones may break your bones, but names
will never hurt you
24.) Don't kill another man’s dreams
25.) Perception is half the battle competence is the other half
26.) Acknowledge others’ strengths and be tolerant of their weaknesses
27.) No one's perfect, but that's no excuse to not always do your best
28.) Be forgiving and merciful toward others
29.) Be positive, happy and have a great attitude
30.) Follow the Ten Commandments
Taken from UR: You Are Who You Choose To Be ? Copyright 2017 by Rob Cook. Published by Rob Cook, Claremont, CA. Used by permission of the publisher. All rights reserved.