30 Python Scripts for Beginners

30 Python Scripts for Beginners

01. Hello World:

# The following python script will print the text "Hello World!" as output.

print("Hello World!")

02. Join two strings:

# Two words "Programming" and "Languages" are joined and "ProgrammingLanguages" is printed as output.

x = "Programming"
y = "Languages"
z = x + y

03. Format floating point in the string:

# Use of String Formatting
x = 462.75897

# Use of String Interpolation
y = 462.75897
print("%5.2f" % y)

04. Raise a number to a power:

import math
# Assign values to a and n
a = 4
n = 3

# Method 1
b = a ** n
print("%d to the power %d is %d" % (a,n,b))

# Method 2
b = pow(a,n)
print("%d to the power %d is %d" % (a,n,b))

# Method 3
b = math.pow(a,n)
print("%d to the power %d is %5.2f" % (a,n,b))

05. Working with Boolean types:

# Boolean value
x = True

# Number to Boolean
x = 10

x = -5

x = 0

# Boolean from comparison operator
x = 6
y = 3
print(x < y)

06. If else statement:

# Assign a numeric value
x = 35

# Check the is more than 35 or not
if (x >= 35):
    print("You have passed")
    print("You have not passed")

07. Using AND and OR operators:

# Take practical marks
x = float(input("Enter the Practical marks: "))
# Take theory marks
y = float(input("Enter the Theory marks: "))

# Check the passing condition using AND and OR operator
if (x >= 25 and y >= 45) or (x + y) >=70:
    print("\nYou have passed")
    print("\nYou have failed")

08. Switch case statement:

# Switcher for implementing switch case options
def employee_details(ID):
    switcher = {
        "5006": "Employee Name: John",
        "5008": "Employee Name: Ram",  
        "5010": "Employee Name: Mohamend",
    '''The first argument will be returned if the match found and
        employee ID does not exist will be returned if no match found'''
    return switcher.get(ID, "employee ID does not exist")

# Take the employee ID
ID = input("Enter the employee ID: ")
# Print the output

09. While Loop:

# Initialize counter
counter = 1
# Iterate the loop 9 times
while counter < 10:
    # Print the counter value
    print ("%d" % counter)
    # Increment the counter
    counter = counter + 1

11. Use of command-line argument:

# Import sys module
import sys

# Total number of arguments
print('Total arguments:', len(sys.argv))

print("Argument values are:")
# Iterate command-line arguments using for loop
for i in sys.argv:

12. Run one Python script from another:

#  Hello.py

print("Hello World!")
#  Executes the hello.py file in the interpreter

import os

13. Use of regex:

# Import re module
import re

# Take any string data
string = input("Enter a string value: ")
# Define the searching pattern
pattern = '^[A-Z]'

# match the pattern with input value
found = re.match(pattern, string)

# Print message based on the return value
if found:
  print("The input value is started with the capital letter")
  print("You have to type string start with the capital letter")

14. Use of getpass:

# import getpass module
import getpass

# Take password from the user
passwd = getpass.getpass('Password:')

# Check the password
if passwd == "python":
    print("You are verified")
    print("You are not verified")

15. Use of date format:

from datetime import date

# Read the current date
current_date = date.today()

# Print the formatted date
print("Today is :%d-%d-%d" % (current_date.day,current_date.month,current_date.year))

# Set the custom date
custom_date = date(2026, 12, 26)
print("The date is:",custom_date)

16. Add and remove the item from a list:

# Declare a fruit list
fruits = ["Mango","Orange","Guava","Banana"]

# Insert an item in the 2nd position
fruits.insert(1, "Apple")

# Displaying list after inserting
print("The fruit list after insert:")
# Remove an item

# Print the list after delete
print("The fruit list after delete:")

17. List comprehension:

# Create a list of characters using list comprehension
char_list = [ char for char in "Python" ]

# Define a tuple of websites
websites = ("google.com","yahoo.com", "history.com", "quora.com")

# Create a list from tuple using list comprehension
site_list = [ site for site in websites ]

18. Slice data:

# Assign string value
text = "Python Programming Language"

# Slice using one parameter
sliceObj = slice(5)

# Slice using two parameter
sliceObj = slice(6,12)

# Slice using three parameter
sliceObj = slice(6,25,5)

19. Add and search data in the dictionary:

# Define a dictionary
customers = {'05453':'Ram','04457':'Krishna',
'02834':'Vishnu','01655':'Shiva', '07559':'David'}

# Append a new data
customers['06934'] = 'Salomon'

print("The customer names are:")
# Print the values of the dictionary
for customer in customers:

# Take customer ID as input to search
name = input("Enter customer ID:")

# Search the ID in the dictionary
for customer in customers:
    if customer == name:

20. Add and search data in the set:

# Define the number set
numbers = {13, 10, 56, 18, 12, 44, 87}
# Add a new data
# Print the set values

message = "Number is not found"

# Take a number value for search
search_number = int(input("Enter a number:"))
# Search the number in the set
for val in numbers:
    if val == search_number:
        message = "Number is found"


21. Count items in the list:

# Define the string
string = 'Python Go JavaScript HTML CSS MYSQL Python'
# Define the search string
search = 'Python'
# Store the count value
count = string.count(search)
# Print the formatted output
print("%s appears %d times" % (search, count))

22. Define and call a function:

# Define addition function
def addition(number1, number2):
    result = number1 + number2
    print("Addition result:",result)

# Define area function with return statement
def area(radius):
    result = 3.14 * radius * radius
    return result  

# Call addition function
addition(5, 3)
# Call area function
print("Area of the circle is",area(2))

23. Use of throw and catch exception:

# Try block
    # Take a number
    number = int(input("Enter a number: "))
    if number % 2 == 0:
        print("Number is even")
        print("Number is odd")

# Exception block    
except (ValueError):
  # Print error message
  print("Enter a numeric value")

24. Read and Write File:

#Assign the filename
filename = "names.txt"
# Open file for writing
fileHandler = open(filename, "w")

# Add some text

# Close the file

# Open file for reading
fileHandler = open(filename, "r")

# Read a file line by line
for line in fileHandler:
# Close the file

25. List files in a directory:

# Import os module to read directory
import os

# Set the directory path
path = '/Users/Manju/'

# Read the content of the file
files = os.listdir(path)

# Print the content of the directory
for file in files:

26. Read and write using pickle:

# Import pickle module
import pickle

# Declare the object to store data
dataObject = []
# Iterate the for loop for 5 times
for num in range(10,15):

# Open a file for writing data
file_handler = open('numbers', 'wb')
# Dump the data of the object into the file
pickle.dump(dataObject, file_handler)
# close the file handler

# Open a file for reading the file
file_handler = open('numbers', 'rb')
# Load the data from the file after deserialization
dataObject = pickle.load(file_handler)
# Iterate the loop to print the data
for val in dataObject:
# close the file handler

27. Define class and method:

# Define the class
class Employee:
    name = "Johnson"
    # Define the method
    def details(self):
        print("Post: Associate")
        print("Department: QC")
        print("Salary: $6000")

# Create the employee object    
emp = Employee()
# Print the class variable
# Call the class method

28. Use of range function:

# range() with one parameter
for val in range(7):
    print(val, end='  ')

# range() with two parameter
for val in range(7,16):
    print(val, end='  ')

# range() with three parameter
for val in range(0,4,1):
    print(val, end='  ')

29. Use of map function:

# Define the function to calculate power
def cal_power(n):    
    return x ** n

# Take the value of x
x = int(input("Enter the value of x:"))
# Define a tuple of numbers
numbers = [2, 6, 3]

# Calculate the x to the power n using map()
result = map(cal_power, numbers)

30. Use of filter function:

# Define a list of participant
participant = ['Ram', 'John', 'David', 'Krishna', 'Prasad']
# Define the function to filters selected candidates
def SelectedPerson(participant):
    selected = ['John', 'Rahman', 'Ram']
    if(participant in selected):
        return True
selectedList = filter(SelectedPerson, participant)
print('The selected candidates are:')
for candidate in selectedList:

Gulab singh

???? B.A,B.P.Ed,M.P.E.S,NIS, Wushu coach, martial arts, kick-boxing, boxing, Taekwondo, self-defense, weight loss, athletic Tabata Whatsapp+917015018987

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