30 Minutes easy workout routine to remove your daily stress

30 Minutes easy workout routine to remove your daily stress

Stress is sneaky. It curls up and grows like chia seeds and goes out of control. It has often been noticed that it manifests into physical symptoms like headache, hives and weight gain.

Irrespective of what kind of Stress you have, we are here to suggest an easy, effective tactic to manage your stress levels on a day-to-day basis and even in the long run.

Any guess!!!

WORKOUT!! Yes, you heard right.

The workout is the simplest way to deal with all kinds of Stress & reset your mind and body. It not only improves the physical condition and fighting disease, but it also activates endorphins hormones which makes you feel happy.

Still, doubting How Exercise can Relieve?Stress?

Many studies have proven that workout plays an important factor in relieving Stress. Health care experts also recommend keeping your body moving for a healthy and active life. It has a positive effect on reducing tension, anxiety, Stress and depression.

As a first step, towards reading your Stress, you should acknowledge Stress. Knowing about the problem helps in finding the solution, right?

It will really help you to lift the weight up from your shoulders. think positively, and you can take your Stress as an opportunity to reset your mind and rewrite and learn from your experiences. It can also be a sign that your mind and body need a break.

Apart from all methods of reducing Stress, the overall health benefits of exercise buffer, so let’s have a look at the best workouts to pumping up the levels of endorphins and relieves your from Stress:

Time: 5–10 Mins

Practice: Twice in a day

Some yoga and pranayama to reduce your stress level:

  • Uttanasana with Shoulder
  • Halasana-Plow Pose
  • Prasarita Padottanasana
  • KapalBhati (breathing exercise)
  • Sarvangasana
  • Anulom-Vilom (breathing exercise)
  • Sukhasana

Minimum time required: 5–10 minutes (maximum as per your body flexibility and strengthens)

Practice: Once in a day

The time required: Minimum 20 mins

Practice: Once in a day or twice

The time required: 15–30 minutes

Practice: Whenever you want

The time required: 10–15 minutes

Practice: 4 days in a week

The time required: 5–10 minutes

Practice: Once in a day

  • Tabata: Maybe you have seen many videos of Tabata on youtube and have witnessed how Tabata Pushup Drill can work for you. Practising this vigorous Exercise reduces your stress level. This is a form of HIIT training and was introduced by a Japanese scientist Izumi Tbaat. As the intensity of this workout is high, try to start with basics such as jumping jack and pushups. Look at how to do this:
  • Jumping jack/jumping rope: Do it for 40 times, take a 20-sec break, again do it for 40 times and take a 10-sec break. Repeat the process for 3–4 times in the beginning.
  • Pushups: Start with a count of 15 and set your own limit and pass the Stress, which is bothering you.

Time Required: 5–10 minutes

Practice: Once in a day

  • Breathing: well!! Wondering what breathing is doing in the list? Breathing is your personal air filter. No seriously, we are not kidding-deep breathing help in controlling your Stress and makes your body regain the state of equilibrium. Nothing much is required to do it; just make yourself comfortable and concentrate on your breath. The best time to perform breathing exercise is in the morning, though you can do it whenever you want. Here is a way to do it:
  • Inhale deeply with a count of 1…2…..3….4……5……
  • Exhale the air with a count of 1…2…..3….4……5……

Repeat the and pattern for a few minutes.

Inhale air for 5 seconds, hold it for 6 seconds and then open your mouth for 7 seconds to exhale the air.

Time Required: 10–15 minutes

Practice: Once in a day

Time Required: 10–15 minutes

Practice: Once in a day

Easy Ways to Relieve Stress?quickly

  • Stretch your neck: Sit straight and move your head left and right towards your shoulders. Do it at least for 2 mins.
  • Hands and shoulders: Raise your hands up until you feel a stretch in your tummy. Stay in the position for 30 seconds then slowly take your hands down-repeat it for 3 to 4 times. Move your shoulders in the clockwise and anticlockwise direction for 5 to 10 times.
  • Fingers: Shake your fingers and shake the Stress out with it.
  • Waist: Stand in a comfortable position, now rotate your waist in clockwise and anticlockwise, five times each.
  • Legs: Sit on a chair with a straight back, lift both of your legs high in parallel with your stomach then slowly take them down. Also, you can rote your legs clockwise and anticlockwise. Repeat each one for five times.
  • Laughter: Laughter is beat therapy for reducing stress and anxiety. Take some time to spend with your friends, throw some jokes or watch funny videos to make yourself laugh. Laughing out loud will remove all of your stress and worries without costing a penny.

Make these exercises fun and entertaining. You can pick any of the above exercises according to your preference, but ensure to practice them regularly to see the positive results. This will help you to know how great exercising is.

Originally published at https://www.namasteui.com on November 24, 2020.


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