?? Kirsten Barfoot ??
Intuitive Leadership & Personal Branding | Unlock Your Intuition: Be Seen and Heard in a Crowd | Book in a free Magnetic Presence Call with me ?
This time of uncertainty can be a very frightening place…
However, it doesn’t have to be!
Some people have been told to take some time off work, unpaid…
Others have lost their jobs completely.
This is enough to send people into a tailspin…
“How am I going to support my family?”
“How am I going to pay for the rent, mortgage, bills, food…”
“How am I …?”
“What am I…?”
This is also a time where it’s tempting to just jump straight into action mode…
“Right! I’m going to do this, this and this…”
Or, go into a steady decline… opening up to bad habits and vices.
Actually the best thing to do now is to be STILL.
This may go against every fibre of your body.
Potentially your body hasn’t actually been still for years.
It’s going to feel uncomfortable.
It’s okay.
It’s all going to be OKAY.
This time can actually be a time of great OPPORTUNITY.
This time, this time of shut down of lock down can actually be the playground of much CREATIVITY.
And the amount of creativity is going to depend solely on you.
It’s all in the way you view it.
I’ve asked how I can be of the most service during this time.
This is what has come to me.
I’m offering 30 Minute Clarity Sessions for people who feel drawn to it.
This isn’t going to be some guidance counselling session.
We will work with your HIGHER SELF, the self that has a much higher perspective.
A perspective of your vision for your magnificent NOW and BEYOND…
We’re going to go deep, clear some old patterns away and get to the nitty gritty of some ideas and genius you have tucked away deep inside.
Some of you already know you have something bursting to come out.
Some of you will have the opportunity to get a glimpse of it.
Regardless, everyone will come out with a CLEAR picture of next steps.
Best part… it will be done on a DONATION basis…
I want this to be available to as many people as possible so if this has hit you at the right time, book in your 30 Minute Clarity Session with me here…