?? 30 Levels of Facebook Marketing  - A Roadmap for 2018 ??

?? 30 Levels of Facebook Marketing - A Roadmap for 2018 ??

Are you not sure if you are doing Facebook Marketing right? You probably are doing a great job considering Mark Zuckerberg didn't call you and talk you through the blueprint for success specifically for your business. I have worked/trained over 130 business on social media, many of them were doing a super job, but felt unsure if they were doing it right or what to do next. I want you to use this as a Roadmap or Checklist. Get to Level 24 and you will be ahead of 90% of the competition. You can do it all with your smartphone. Read through the 30 levels below and find out where you should aim to get too in 2018. Find your level and aim for the next one. Hope this helps…

? Level 1: Creating a Facebook Business page.

? Level 2: Understanding that 95% of your customers are consuming Facebook on their Smartphone.

? Level 3: Not basing your success on Facebook based on the number of LIKES you get on your posts. Yes they are great but not many people pick LIKE anymore. Think about it… You were on Facebook last night? I bet out of the 10 things that caught your attention, you didn't click LIKE on any of them? See. We are all ‘creeping’ on Facebook and not clicking LIKE like we used to. But Facebook still has our attention. Now what do you do with that attention is the key :)

? Level 4: Only 2% - 4% of your Facebook Fans see your content when you post to your business page. That’s probably just you, your staff and your family. Not new customers. £1 paid to Facebook can help you reach 200 more Newsfeeds.

? Level 4: Signing up to Instagram, Twitter, YouTube in order to secure your business name. So no one else can steal them on you. You don’t have to be active on these all at one at this level. Be the master of one rather mediocre across many.

? Level 5: Posting Text Updates to your page on a consistent basis. Advice based posts are a great start.

? Level 6: Using EMOJIs in your copy. They’re used by 92% of the online population and increase engagement according to online guru Neil Patel.

? Level 7: Posting Stock Pictures from the Internet on a consistent basis. Make sure you buy these as you can be fined if you ‘borrow’ these from Google images. Advice based posts are a great start. 

? Level 8: Making sure to always have a “Call to Action” at the end of every post. The simplest call to actions are sometimes the best like “Private mail us for more details”.

? Level 9: Including Pictures of Staff and Local Customers in your content.

? Level 10: Posting videos with local people introducing your products/services/promotions. People engage with local people of Facebook more than stock images.

? Level 11: Utilising Facebook Live Videos and remembering to clearly describe the context of the video in its description.

? Level 12: Inviting Social Media Influencers/Bloggers to experience your business/service and having them create content for your business. They also have loyal following so you will be getting great social proof as well. Remember! It does not have to be a HUGE social media blogger. Local people have large social media following too. Partner with them on a more consistent basis - opposed to getting one BIG BLOGGER, like So Sue Me, to mention you once. How do you get them to partner with you? Just ask.

? Level 13: Clicking on the number of LIKES on each post and inviting them back to LIKE your page. They will get a notification from your business page to come back and LIKE your page. Not you personally.

? Level 14: Getting back to all your private mails by text within 24hours.

? Level 15: Getting back to all your private mails by voice message. Makes it more personal and saves you time.

? Level 16: Adding an automatic reply to your inbox telling customers when you check and reply to your inbox messages. Example: “Hi INSERTNAME, thank you for private mailing us! We are currently focusing on our customers but check our inbox between 10am-12pm & 3pm - 5pm.” This will assure your customers that you will be in touch. 

? Level 17: Posting photo Testimonials of local clients/customers to promote your product/service.

? Level 18: Posting smartphone videos Testimonials of local clients/customers to promote your product/service. Just have them send you them from their location. 20 - 60 Seconds. Longer if they want. What to ask them? Q1: What did you do for them? Q2: Why they needed it? Q3: What would they say to someone who was on the fence about buying it?

? Level 19: Using a consistent call to action to get clicks to your website, phone calls to your business, private mails to your Facebook page, email sign ups or downloads of your menus/brochures. I recommend using a Bitly, a Touchcall Number or Mailchimp Sign Up Form. This will allow you to track the success of your Facebook marketing. Eg. Click here to download our Menu - INSERT-LINK 

? Level 20: Placing all URL links in your comment section in order to get more reach on your posts. Remember to point readers to them in your content copy.

? Level 21: Following up with Customers and asking them to give you a Facebook Review. This applies to both online and in your physical business. Why Facebook Reviews? When a customer gives you a Facebook Review, all of their friends get a notification of that experience. The average Facebook User has 155 friends. That’s fantastic social proof for your business. 

? Level 22 - Boosting your posts for £5 per days to “Fans of Your Page”. (Minimum of £5 per day - equivalent of a local newspaper advert.

? Level 23 - Boosting your posts for £5 per days to “Friends of Fans of Your Page”. Remember only about 2% to 4% of your Fans see your posts. Thats probably just you, your staff and your family. £1 paid to Facebook can help you reach 200 Newsfeeds.

? Level 24 - Boosting your posts for £5 per days to “Fans of Your Page”.

? Level 25 - Creating a “Saved Audience” on Facebook to target your perfect customers. Example: “Engaged Females in Northern Ireland” or “Parents within 10Miles of my business”.

? Level 26 - Boosting your content consistently to your saved audience. You have to continually be in the Newsfeed or you will be forgotten. We don't remember what we seen on social media yesterday never mind last week.

? Level 27: Remarking to people who have watched your videos with a call to action advert. You can target people who have watched all of your video or a certain percentage.

? Level 28: Installing the Facebook Pixel on your website so you can “remarket' to people who have been on you page with a ‘call to action advert. Example: What happens when you go on to Amazon and then back on to Facebook? You see Amazon adverts follow you. This is because Amazon has placed their Facebook Pixel on you. Knowing that if they “remarket” to you their is a stronger chance you will come back and buy from them.

? Level 29: Create a custom audience of people who landed on your website, but did not land on your order confirmation page. This would imply that the person was interested in your product/service but did not complete a booking. Using a custom audience you can “remarket” to them a call to action advert. Example: “Did you not complete your booking? Click the button to arrange a FREE CALLBACK”. “Did you not complete your booking? Click the button to get FREE DELIVERY”, “Did you not complete your booking? Click the button to get a FREE GLASS OF BUBBLY ON ARRIVAL”, “Did you not complete your booking? Click the button to get 10% OFF”.

? Level 30: Creating a custom audience of people on your email database and remarking to them consistently with a Call to Action Advert.

Thank you for reading. I hope you have took value from this post but it is more important for you to take action. 

I would also love if you could share it as it could help somebody in your social network.?

Remember #DoneBeatsPerfect, #PassionBeatsGloss and #IgnoreTheHaters.

Kind Regards,

Pete :) ??

PS: PM me if you have any questions or would like help with your social media. I have also put some helpful links in the comment section.


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