# 30 Eat your own dog food
Photo by Ross Findon on Unsplash

# 30 Eat your own dog food

People asked me "Do you really follow what you say?". People may even think, "Arre!! he's saying too many things. Easier said than done." People who are having close contact with me knows who I am. Eating your own dog good is the first and foremost thing I would consider before publishing anything.

But do you really preach what you do? We are living in a world where we get a bit of quality advice everywhere. But yet the world is still the same. Because people advice which they don't follow in their life. People who are on the receiver end will not feel the need to do it.

If you really feel the need to change the world, we can only do it by just being the change. If you can't follow what you're saying, how the hell you can think the other person will follow.

Be the change you want to see in the world - Mohandas Gandhi

Your constant need to change the people around you can help you in the other way too. It can help you find your purpose in life. If you're constantly being encountered by thought to change someone, it means deep inside you feel the need for a change.

Let's consider you think, if everyone follows their passion, this world can be a better place to live. It means you want to follow your passion. If you start with yourself, you can see the world change around you change by taking you as an inspiration. The most difficult step to start a change is the initial step. You've to follow what you strive to change.

When Gandhi went on Salt March, he didn't gather anyone, and he didn't ask people to join him. He just went for a march. Seeing him, people marched with him.

For a change, all it takes is you.

Are you ready to change?


