30 Day Stress-Busting Bootcamp Day 28
Panache Desai

30 Day Stress-Busting Bootcamp Day 28

30 Day Stress-Busting Bootcamp Day 28

https://wp.me/p36Yz1-1tF  Link to Blog Post!

The first thing we will do every day during this Stress-Busting Bootcamp, is pick a random page from my favorite tool (Flip Book) and use that as our guiding thought for the day. Here is today’s random pick from ‘Flip Book, Your Secret Weapon In A World Gone Wild”.

Today’s Selection: 

“Every being of pure white light is here to support you—as soon as you make a move…angels, teachers, leaders, archangels, masters, guides, those who have gone before, spirit guides, etc.”  (page 220)

What does this phrase mean to you?

What could it mean for you?

Jot down what comes to mind immediately.

Perhaps write it on a piece of paper and carry it with you throughout your day.  Then as thoughts occur to you, capture them, by writing them down.  I do this when I do not have my personal flip book handy.  You see, I am always working on a new flip book of my own.

If nothing comes to mind, that is ok too.  Just BE with it.  Not everything means anything to all of us.

For example:  Here are the first things that popped into my mind when I read this today.

  • I am not alone (in anything).
  • There is an invisible system of support and protection that is always with me.
  • Once I make a decision, everything falls into place.
  • Choosing sets things in motion.
  • In stressful situations, knowing that I have an ‘invisible team of support’, really helps me to feel better and deal with what is going on more effectively.
  • We all have this support team. Members vary, based on your beliefs.
  • Who is on your ‘Beings of Pure White Light’ support team? Who do you want to be?  Just ask.
  • We are all connected (one)…this is related.
  • My support team includes anyone I want (and believe in). My relatives who have transitioned (passed away) before me, all ‘good’ and ‘positive’ Beings, entities that have my highest and greatest good intended at all times, whatever I want (God-however you see the Divine, other human beings, angels, arch angels, wizards, white witches, fairies, sprites…whatever you believe in.)
  • Making a move activates your support team.
  • Making a move is as easy as making a choice, a decision, picking a perspective…
  • Just ‘thinking a thing’ can call upon my Team and set things in motion.
  • I am the leader (master controller) of my Invisible Support Team. We all work together to create the life I choose.
  • NOW, this moment is the only one that counts…it is the only time I can make a move. The past is over and I can not change it (no matter how much I would like to, no matter how much I think about it, no matter what…it just IS what happened.  The future has not happened yet and nothing is guaranteed about it…or even that there will be a future moment for me in this life experience.  My move must happen in the present moment.
  • My live experience is made up of moving moments.
  • A move is a choice, a decision, a question (that will always be answered), a change of perspective, a thought, and idea, and action…
  • The Universe supports me always.
  • Whatever I choose, however I move, the Universe will make sure I get what I ask for.
  • My move does not have to be CONSCIOUS…my sub-conscious mind is actually the director.
  • Whatever I put out, I get back.
  • Watch what you give, for that is what you will receive.
  • Karma…works whether you believe it or not. (It is a Universal Law.)
  • I create my reality. My reality is MINE.  Nobody and nothing else can choose/create it for me.  As much as I may want that to be so, it is not.  I am responsible for whatever shows up in my life. 
  • If my life is not exactly how I want it to be (just look at your results, what is showing up) it is up to me to make a move…change it.
  • We can only change our own life experience. Everyone else has to choose and manage their own life experience too. 
  • My thoughts and opinions about someone else’s life, should NOT have any effect on them. No one else’s thoughts, opinions, actions…should have ANY impact on MY life experience.  It only can if I let it.  I always have the ability to choose from WITHIN me.  I always have the ability to choose my reaction to everything that goes on outside of me.  (I did not say this was easy or what I do…just that the option is always available to me.)
  • The Universe and your Invisible Team, along with your intuition (gut, internal guidance system, knowing) are always sending YOU messages to keep you on your life path…what you came here to do/be/have. When you get off this or behave in ways that are not in alignment with who you really are, the messages/lessons get stronger and stronger until you GET it.  (For me, this happens around Labor Day…over decades…because I am not listening and understanding certain things about the choices I have made in the past.  (This is too long a story for a blog post, but send me a message if you would like me to share it.)

Note:  This IS so, whether you believe it or not!

  • Action, actually doing something, is the strongest signal to your Team, that you are ready for their help and support.
  • Activating my team is a simple as breathing (because I decided that it my way to connect and get them working on my behalf).
  • For most of my life, I did not know I had an invisible support team.
  • Just like everything else, your support team comes from within.
  • We are all worthy of this team.

That’s it. 

Write down, note what happens to you.  What happens for you.  How you feel.

The next thing we will do every day during this Stress-Busting Bootcamp, is DO something for the day.

Today’s Exercise: 

Take action…even a tiny step in the right direction means progress…and progress in the right direction, means less stress!

Support Team

Today we are going to look at our support team.


First, we will look at who outside of us is on our support team.

Next we will look at who we WANT to be on our support team.

Then, we will just ASK them to be on the team.

Get a piece of paper.  You do not have to, but it does help to write things down.

So often we feel like we have NO support or help in the world.

Putting it on paper can show us that we have a much larger ‘pool’ of options than our mind (ego) will let us see.

Most people are good and kind and want to help/support you in creating the life you want…if they can.

Often when I am stressed about something or someone, I feel all alone.  I believe I must figure everything out by myself.  I must DO everything myself. 

THIS is a lie.

This is a lie my ego/mind tells me to keep me doing the same thing(s) I have always done.  Even if they are not in my best interests…my ego wants me to keep doing what has kept me SAFE in the past.  This thinking is often NOT the best choice to move my life in the direction I WANT.

  1. Pick something that is stressing you out.
  2. Ask…who can help me with this?

Who do I know or who does someone I know, know…that has information or experience that I could get some perspective from?



Friends of friends?



Group affiliations?

Social media contacts?

On-line groups?

Local groups, programs, services?

  1. List out as many as you can think of (knowing that what you can come up with is just the tip of the iceberg). This is your Physical Support Team.
  2. Now, make a list of who you want on your INVISIBLE Support Team.

Whatever YOU believe in (now).

God (the Divine-however you define that)




Relatives, Friends, Famous Folks who have died

Magical Beings of Light (and Love…I like to add that)

  1. If anything and everything IS possible…if you believed in everything…who would you ask to be on your support team? You get to decide what ‘Beings of Light’ means to you.
  2. Ask them. Ask that ALL Beings of Love & Light join you in creating what you want!
  3. Ask your entire team to help you with the thing that is stressing you out.

Go about your day knowing your team has got your back.

How does that make you feel?

Be prepared to be challenged. 

DO the 'exercises'. 



The more you do, the more you grow...the faster YOU master your life's stress.


Your Stress-Busting Bootcamp Friend


Be Loving. Love Being. Be YOU!

Ready for Your Own Flip Book?  Get YOURS here:

https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01807AZR2  Link to get  Flip Book on Amazon

Physical copy available on Amazon too!


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